Be Smart When Using Free Unsecured Wifi
Just another reason why you got to be careful when your using those free unsecured hot spots..
Firesheep makes stealing your cookies, accessing your Facebook account laughably easy -- Engadget
Firesheep Vigilante Warns Exposed Users by Messaging Them With Their Own Facebook Accounts
Guy below could have not said it any better..
On my way home, I considered what the experience meant about our society. No matter how many security measures we provide to the world, there will always be people who leave the door open, even after they've had an intruder. The weakest link in security has been, and always will be, the user's judgment.
Just another reason why you got to be careful when your using those free unsecured hot spots..
Firesheep makes stealing your cookies, accessing your Facebook account laughably easy -- Engadget
Firesheep Vigilante Warns Exposed Users by Messaging Them With Their Own Facebook Accounts
Guy below could have not said it any better..
On my way home, I considered what the experience meant about our society. No matter how many security measures we provide to the world, there will always be people who leave the door open, even after they've had an intruder. The weakest link in security has been, and always will be, the user's judgment.
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