Fios PG Screenshot & Picture of STB

Great Post! Been following FIOSTV for quite a while, this is the first I've seen of the Programming Guide OR a picture of the actual STB being used
Boo Yah! My first sticky ! :D

On a related note, in looking through some Microsoft stuff, I found that the Verizon guide is just a simple rebranding of the Microsoft TV Foundation Edition, and not a custom job, which might have been nice.

To see what I am talking about, look at the screenshots attached.


  • msfe.JPG
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  • verizon-fios-tv-lg.jpg
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I hate to say it, but the article starts off wrong right away. Verizon does not have IPTV running on FIOS. Its just CableTV, but it has the electrical cable signals converted to optical to run over the fiber.

Verizon does intend to migrate to IPTV one day, but they (wisely) did not want to start out of the gate with an unproven technology. If they did and had service problems with IPTV, then customers would not only drop their video service, but when they called the Cable Company back, the cable company might say "Hey, did you know that you can also switch over your phone service to us? Oh, and also drop your DSL for our cable modem?". So not only could Verizon lose your Video patronage, but they could potentially use their current revenue streams as well if the Video service makes a bad impression.

So far trials of IPTV from Microsoft and others have been problematic. So its still in the works, but not currently available.

BTW: That Verizon FIOS STB is the exact same Motorola STB chassis that Comcast uses around here. Considering that FIOS is the same Cable TV technology, that makes sense.
Cyclone beat me too the punch about Verizon's box in the picture.. That box was used over 2 years ago by Adelphia in my area and since then they have gone threw atleast 3 newer versions of that same box.. BUTTTT it is a good box even though it might be a lil out-dated, but i also believe thats just there basic HD box comparable to Dish's 811, that box is not their HD-DVR.. Hopefully for their HD-DVR they will use what adelphia is handing out in my area the Motorola MOXI 9018 HD-DVR "great box" comparable to Dish's 942... I will keep my fingers crossed...
Cyclone said:
I hate to say it, but the article starts off wrong right away. Verizon does not have IPTV running on FIOS. Its just CableTV, but it has the electrical cable signals converted to optical to run over the fiber.

Verizon does intend to migrate to IPTV one day, but they (wisely) did not want to start out of the gate with an unproven technology. If they did and had service problems with IPTV, then customers would not only drop their video service, but when they called the Cable Company back, the cable company might say "Hey, did you know that you can also switch over your phone service to us? Oh, and also drop your DSL for our cable modem?". So not only could Verizon lose your Video patronage, but they could potentially use their current revenue streams as well if the Video service makes a bad impression.

So far trials of IPTV from Microsoft and others have been problematic. So its still in the works, but not currently available.

BTW: That Verizon FIOS STB is the exact same Motorola STB chassis that Comcast uses around here. Considering that FIOS is the same Cable TV technology, that makes sense.

Every damn article lately has been claiming FiOS is IPTV. Wish the reporters would do a little homework.

Verizon is probably just milking the confusion for the free press...IPTV does have a high tech ring to it.

Though, per a neighbor who works for V*, their on demand service will be IPTV. Regular cable will be the RF overlay like you said. Sounds like a perfect way to cut your teeth on a new technology. Low utilization, low profile service...

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