everything I have seen with Fiber in this city is underground and ALL utility plans come accross my desk for approval.
Back before Isabell I had a wire ran to the house from the pole. However since that hurricane and the uprooting of the tree in my front yard taking down six power/telephone poles, I haven't had anything. I didn't worry since I had Cox at the time.
So it there a different ONT for this setup? Would that better my chances of it being able to be put right at my meter at the rear of my garage? That is what I really want since my homeruns will be terminated there. Lastly are there any pros/cons other that no issues with storms knocking down the pole?
Sorry for so many questions. I'm very curious to what to expect.
Is there a pots line to your home? IS it underground?Well, I really want ti buried. I don't see anything new on the poles near me (or on the one in my yard), so maybe there is hope. I will check again when I return to the area this weekend.
Anyway regrets leaving D* after two weeks? Absolutely no complaints here! The TivoHD rocks, but I am still considering gettting Moxi HD to replace our one leased FiOS HD DVR.Pretty pleased with FIOS so far. Great picture, and fast channel changing with the Tivo. I was about to through my D* remotes through the wall waiting for a channel change or a guide scroll!! I just couldnt take it anymore. I'm going to love watching TV in the rain. I can see myself going outside and pointing at the dishes and just laughing at my neighbors.
All the channels seem to be in the clear so far as I downloaded a movie from HDNET to my PC last night. YEAH BABY!!!!!!!!
No because I have every HD movie channel in existence. If I cut back on them I probably would.Do you use the Netflix Movie Streaming function of the Tivo? How much better is it with FiOS?
No complaints.Anyway regrets leaving D* after two weeks? Absolutely no complaints here! The TivoHD rocks, but I am still considering gettting Moxi HD to replace our one leased FiOS HD DVR.
everything I have seen with Fiber in this city is underground and ALL utility plans come accross my desk for approval.
Hampton? Thats your problem. I grew up there, my father still lives there and everything is STILL overhead. Im not sure what the aversion is to spending money in that city to make power, cable, TV and phone reliable.Well they have been running fiber on the poles this week. I'm not sure if they will go from there to bury it to the house, but I highly doubt it. I will try to ask one of them this week.
Its been aerial on Beach road where I grew up for 45 years.I see that all new contruction in Hampton is buried, so they are changing.
I agree buried is the way to go. Before I moved here I lived in an area with all utilities buried and it paid for itself with storms, winds and trees.
My better half is real excited because she is only three weeks or so from getting the lifetime channels in hd.
I am happy because I will be getting channel 4(SEC football) and channel 33(ACC football and basketball) in hd. I will also be getting ESPNUHD in time for the start of the college football season
What kind of package deals are where I can get FIOS TV, FIOS Internet, and phone service on one bill? I now pay over $250 for the Directv Premier package(4 HR 21's) and Verizon phone service with dsl included.