I have a dish on my RV for traveling. It only takes me a few minutes to set it up. Normally, I get my aiming angles using my GPS and a program on my PDA. However, I arrived at a location recently to find the batteries dead in my GPS. So, I was going to try the old fashioned way, plug the zip code into the receiver (4700, yes it's old, but they won't give me an upgrade, even after seven years ) and get them there. Much to my surprise, the screen has changed and there is no box to enter the zip code. Just a note that says "For aiming angles, go to www.dishnetwork.com." Fortunately, I was able to get on the Internet, but I went all over that lousy dishnetwork site and never found anything about aiming angles. I finally found some batteries for my GPS and did it my way. Ah, TV at last. However, what about all those who don't have my resources for aiming angles? Why are they no longer on the receiver? Where exactly are they on the web site? What about travelers who don't have Internet access on the road?
It seems E* has a thing against RVers.
It seems E* has a thing against RVers.