Finally VOOMIN' in AZ!!!


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Mar 2, 2005
Well, I tried posting this thread yesterday, and I still don't see it, so I'll try one more time--but I'm not going to type it all again, so here is the condensed version (that's probably a good thing for all of you... :) )

I finally got Voom installed over the weekend. The install guy was professional, didn't try to "up-sell" me, and made sure I was happy. I jokingly told him I expected at least a 90 on my sat signal strength--and he got me to 91. He had to install an extra arm to poke this dish out a couple extra inches, but he did it. And my locals? In a word--AWESOME! A couple channels were at 100, and the rest in the mid to high 90s.

The PQ is jawdroppingly good. Even the SD channels on my SDTVs look superb. And watching something like WorldSport (ch123) on my 9' screen (which I also only installed this weekend) is like being there.

D* was never this good. And the "exclusive" Voom HD channels are actually pretty fun! One of my kids loves the MOOV (or whatever it's called) channel--you know, the TV screensaver channel??? :)

I even like the channel guide. I've found it useful and intuitive. In short, my Voom install was excellent, and the service is breathtaking. I had high expectations, and Voom has exceeded them all! Even after only a couple days, I am definitely a die-hard VOOMER!!!!!! :yes
Welcome to VOOMland! Your post made it today!

cohiba said:
Well, I tried posting this thread yesterday, and I still don't see it, so I'll try one more time--but I'm not going to type it all again, so here is the condensed version (that's probably a good thing for all of you... :) )

I finally got Voom installed over the weekend. The install guy was professional, didn't try to "up-sell" me, and made sure I was happy. I jokingly told him I expected at least a 90 on my sat signal strength--and he got me to 91. He had to install an extra arm to poke this dish out a couple extra inches, but he did it. And my locals? In a word--AWESOME! A couple channels were at 100, and the rest in the mid to high 90s.

The PQ is jawdroppingly good. Even the SD channels on my SDTVs look superb. And watching something like WorldSport (ch123) on my 9' screen (which I also only installed this weekend) is like being there.

D* was never this good. And the "exclusive" Voom HD channels are actually pretty fun! One of my kids loves the MOOV (or whatever it's called) channel--you know, the TV screensaver channel??? :)

I even like the channel guide. I've found it useful and intuitive. In short, my Voom install was excellent, and the service is breathtaking. I had high expectations, and Voom has exceeded them all! Even after only a couple days, I am definitely a die-hard VOOMER!!!!!! :yes

Glad to hear you like what you've seen so far.

Back to enjoying HDTV under cloudy but rainless Seattle skies, Gill
Welcome aboard. While Voom may have losts subs in the early days, I believe that they are now at the point where new subs will quickly become fanatic loyalists. For me, going back to E* would be like going back to B&W television.
Well, I'm feelin' pretty fanatical already. And at the very least, I'm spoiled. To be honest, if Voom went away, I think I would rather have nothing than pay money for any of the other mediocre options...

Go VOOM!!!!!!!! :D
Hi there cohiba
I'm scheduled this for a VOOM install in Central Phoenix (don't know where in AZ you are).
Who did your install? Mine is being done by Synergy Communications. Does anyone have any feedback on them??
I checked with VOOM and they showed I requested 24" dish. But of course Synergy said they didn't receive one. They said they request one, but couldn't be sure they would have it by Friday...
Looking forward to experiencing my new HDTV with VOOM.
That is who did mine. And you can see my feedback above. I'm in the West end of the Valley.

Why do you think you need the big dish? I thought I wanted it too (cause bigger is better, right?), but I couldn't be happier with what I'm getting now. Even the OTA antennae is working flawlessly for me.

It really did surpass my expectations. Hopefully you'll feel the same. Good Luck!
Thanks for the quick reply.
I asked for the 24" because several members stated that it gave better reception in the western states.
I'm glad to hear your reception is excellent. I'll definately give the 18" and ok if that is what they show up with.
By the way... did you happen to get the name of your installer (I might ask for him as you were pleased).
bobaphx, I think his name was Tony. He didn't have what I would call a deep and accurate understanding of the technology, but he sure as heck knew how to install everything. I think it also helped that I was with him, chatted with him, helped him carry stuff, etc. And I did the attic crawl and wall fish (saving $50 on each, btw)--which is no big deal, since I had already done a bunch of that running more Data and Coax lines upstairs. Oh, and make sure to offer him a glass of water--he likes that. Also, I have clear, unobstructed view of South Mountain (as well as a bunch of towers I can see on the White Tank Mountains--don't know what they are for sure), so that assuredly helped with the OTA reception.

Wase4711, that is EXACTLY why I felt compelled to start this thread. It seems like lots of people take the time to complain, and few to praise.
cohiba said:
Also, I have clear, unobstructed view of South Mountain (as well as a bunch of towers I can see on the White Tank Mountains--don't know what they are for sure), so that assuredly helped with the OTA reception.
All of the TV transmission towers in Phoenix are on South Mountain.
Hey cohiba...
I talked to Synergy Comm. this morning re: my Saturday install. I asked about an installer named Tony. She has a couple of "Tony's" and asked if Tony was Afro American or Caucasian. I told I didn't know, that I'd gotten his name from someone with a recent install who liked his work. She asked if the install was in Surprise... was that you? Was Tony Afro American?
At this point, that "Tony" is who she has put down as my request.
We also have the 18 in dish ,we are north of Prescott we get a very good picture with the 18 inch dish,we asked about the 24 inch dish an he came out an relined the dish , we lost pic a few times when it was raining so hard last month.
We have no local channels up here
we love VOOM , if we had to go back to dish
we would not need a 55 inch hdtv ,
we could go back to a 19 or 25 inch tv
VOOM :) :) :) :) :)
bobaphx, yes and yes, Tony is African American.

RPacion, Thanks for the info. I thought that was the case. I just see all those towers on this other mountain, and wondered if they might be "helping"... But heck, I don't care how it works or where it's coming from--I'm Voomin' baby!!! ;)

Bob, I feel the same way. Voom has made TV worth watching again, at least for me.
Ordered Voom

Well I finally did it ! The Voom installer will be here (PA) on March 30 to do the install. Right now I have E, but have got tired of all the HD BS charlie throws out. After my 2 month free VA VA VOOM runs out, I will gladly cancel E. Heck, for a dollar, how can I go wrong???
jmd--ain't that the truth! The risk for signing up with Voom is so small--I'm just happy I found it before I settled for D* again...

bobaphx, did you get your install yet? I'm curious to see how it went for you. I've seen posts here where install techs don't even completely set up the boxes, but Tony made sure everything was good before he left my house. Hopefully he did the same for you.

Oh, and strangest of all, I had to do a rescan of my OTA channels last night, and noticed that my Sat signal strength was no longer 91--it was 94!!!! I don't know how it could've gotten better since it was installed, but I ain't complaining!!! :D
My install was on schedule, and on time last Saturday. Tony wasn't the installer; they sent a guy named Jim who was retired but back working because he liked to keep busy. He did a very neat install and although he ran into some problems (and was at my house longer then he estimated) remained patient and finished the job.
I'm loving VOOM. I've read here that some "old timers" aren't happy with PQ lately, but VOOM sure looks great on my new panel. If it can/will be better I'll be thrilled. I like the VOOM channels and I'm sure that I'll probably keep VAVA Voom once my 2 months free is past.

I'm keeping dish for a while for the Dish DVR I have... and to make sure VOOM continues to be available. Once I feel secure with VOOM and have their DVR, Dish will be history (after 8 years) at my house.
bobaphx, isn't that the truth??? I read a dozen threads on how crappy the PQ is on Voom, but every channel I look at makes me want to jump for joy!!!!

I'm glad you had a good install. Tony ran into a couple snags at my place too--I can't even imagine what it would've been like if I wasn't here. But for me the important thing is that he fixed 'em, and didn't leave 'em... Donchya think???

Fortunately for me, just moving into a new place, I'm no longer used to DVR or the other satellite companie's crap offerings. And just as forunately, the wife and I aren't addicted to much--we like to watch The Shield (just watched the second episode for the new season tonight...) and that's about it for episodic TV. So I'm a-okay waiting for Voom's DVR offering...

Cliff, I can't tell ya how excited I am about that! I really think Voom STILL has the opp'ty to be the "killer app" of Sat TV, and I for one plan on having a front-row seat at the finals!!!! :)

Is a installer suppose to call me after I order Voom?

Multi-room install wiring question...

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