bbqman said:That is true. Now all you will put with is TWC's constant maintanence black outs. Have fun![]()
keno said:Uhhh? I don't think your talking about BravoHD. BravoHD will be covering the 2004 Olympics in HD. Bravo is owned by NBC, and BravoHD will be covering the 2004 Olympics. Bravo's Olympic blocks run from 9 a.m. to noon and 4 to 8 p.m., with a replay of the previous day's MSNBC coverage from midnight to 6 a.m. NBC will also have a large block each day dedicated to the Olmpics in HD, but BravoHD's programming will be mostly live. BravoHD also has some other great programming, like the "arts", including the Branford Marsalis Concert, Cirque du Soleil Varekai, Angie Stone in Vancouver, Craig David in Costa Rica, Goo Goo Dolls in Alaska, Ryan Adams in Jamaica, The Calling in Italy, and Unwritten Law in Yellowstone...all in HD! After you have seen this months programs on BravoHD, turn the channel. Wait for the next month's programs.
jawilljr said:
TylerDurden said:I am confused. Why would you cancel Voom which is around $30-$40 more than cable? If you are paying fifty dollars a month that is still a lot for lack of quality. It seems to me you are getting less programming and PQ. My friend has HD Cable. His television, Mitsubishi Platinum, is several steps above mine and his quality is pathetic, very washed out and grainy. I even calibrated his television which helps some when viewing DVDs but not with HD channels. Just strange to me $30-$40 dollars will cause a consumer to sacrificed quality. I have had some rain fade problem which will be fixed soon. The Picture is extremely strong and clear. Everyone has commented on how amazing it looks. It is the single best addition to my HT since my Denon 2900.
Ken F said:Bravo HD will not be the only source of Olympics HDTV coverage, as was originally planned last year. AFAIK, both Bravo HD and NBC HD will offer Olympics coverage in HD, though there's been some ambiguity about that.
Last edited by Ken F : Today at 08:17 AM.