Finally Cancelled

bbqman said:
That is true. Now all you will put with is TWC's constant maintanence black outs. Have fun:D

I had time warner digital cable for almost 2 years. all the problems they had would be bout 1% of voom's problems.

plus even if its in SD i can order a freaking movie now. yall heard bout ICONTROl.
keno said:
Uhhh? I don't think your talking about BravoHD. BravoHD will be covering the 2004 Olympics in HD. Bravo is owned by NBC, and BravoHD will be covering the 2004 Olympics. Bravo's Olympic blocks run from 9 a.m. to noon and 4 to 8 p.m., with a replay of the previous day's MSNBC coverage from midnight to 6 a.m. NBC will also have a large block each day dedicated to the Olmpics in HD, but BravoHD's programming will be mostly live. BravoHD also has some other great programming, like the "arts", including the Branford Marsalis Concert, Cirque du Soleil Varekai, Angie Stone in Vancouver, Craig David in Costa Rica, Goo Goo Dolls in Alaska, Ryan Adams in Jamaica, The Calling in Italy, and Unwritten Law in Yellowstone...all in HD! After you have seen this months programs on BravoHD, turn the channel. Wait for the next month's programs.

Bravo will have the games,BravoHD will not.....sorry.
I don't understand why you are still writing here what you are writing. Are you trying to convinced yourself that you did the right thing?
na man. i told u i will still be here on the forums. i mean did i start a thread bout anything. i just replied to what bbqman said. thats all. i just wanted to save some money. and voom is a luxury to me right now. and since i figured i can get it at a cheaper price..i just thought i check that out.
I am confused. Why would you cancel Voom which is around $30-$40 more than cable? If you are paying fifty dollars a month that is still a lot for lack of quality. It seems to me you are getting less programming and PQ. My friend has HD Cable. His television, Mitsubishi Platinum, is several steps above mine and his quality is pathetic, very washed out and grainy. I even calibrated his television which helps some when viewing DVDs but not with HD channels. Just strange to me $30-$40 dollars will cause a consumer to sacrificed quality. I have had some rain fade problem which will be fixed soon. The Picture is extremely strong and clear. Everyone has commented on how amazing it looks. It is the single best addition to my HT since my Denon 2900.
Cable PQ significantly varies from place to place. In my neighborhood it sucks. I tried Comcast HDfor 3 mos and PQ was crap: digital/HD channels had a lot of pixelation and analog channels were noisy.
see cable varies from city to city. heck street to street. take cable internet. i got X mount of speed here..but i go to my friend's house 10 miles away..and he doesnt get 1/3 of that.
jawilljr said:
BravoHD will NOT be covering the Olympics. Read about it here.


From my cable company:

Access to BravoHD+, featuring the best in arts and entertainment television,
including the 2004 Summer Olympics in high definition
Bravo HD will not be the only source of Olympics HDTV coverage, as was originally planned last year. AFAIK, both Bravo HD and NBC HD will offer Olympics coverage in HD, though there's been some ambiguity about that.
After a couple of days w/cable I can say the picture is absoutely great. I must be one of the lucky ones. I have never used this cable company, but did pick my Panny LCD 50" 'cause avsforum seemed to show that it handled analog SD well. No doubt it does. No more mosquito noise or macroblocking and the picture really is great.

Their digital tier looks better than my D* or VOOM SD did.

Discovery HD is definitely notched up over VOOM as well.

In no way am I saying that it would be this way for everyone's analog SD, thats not the case. We have a lot of new developments popping up and think most of the link around my area is brand new.

TylerDurden, I left for reasons other than price.
TylerDurden said:
I am confused. Why would you cancel Voom which is around $30-$40 more than cable? If you are paying fifty dollars a month that is still a lot for lack of quality. It seems to me you are getting less programming and PQ. My friend has HD Cable. His television, Mitsubishi Platinum, is several steps above mine and his quality is pathetic, very washed out and grainy. I even calibrated his television which helps some when viewing DVDs but not with HD channels. Just strange to me $30-$40 dollars will cause a consumer to sacrificed quality. I have had some rain fade problem which will be fixed soon. The Picture is extremely strong and clear. Everyone has commented on how amazing it looks. It is the single best addition to my HT since my Denon 2900.

I don't understand what you are saying. You are saying that Voom is $30-$40 more than cable, and I don't really see that. Voom is only like $50 for the regular package which is cheaper than most basic cable set ups. $90 for VA VA Voom is about the same price that most Cable would cost with the same services. At least in my experiences
Ken F said:
Bravo HD will not be the only source of Olympics HDTV coverage, as was originally planned last year. AFAIK, both Bravo HD and NBC HD will offer Olympics coverage in HD, though there's been some ambiguity about that.
Last edited by Ken F : Today at 08:17 AM.

Once again NBC and Bravo have come out and said no Olympics on BravoHD this year (maybe Winter Games-2006,on BravoSD there will be Olympics but only delayed(one day) Olympics in HD on NBC-OTA.

Here is part of a broadcast schedule of the Olympic Games on

24 hours a day

For the first time by a U.S. broadcaster at a Summer Olympics, NBC will provide high definition coverage. NBC's separate, unique HDTV coverage on NBC's digital affiliates, presented by Sony Electronics Inc., will provide HDTV coverage on delay of six sports from the only main Olympic venues provided in high definition by the Olympic host broadcaster. Those sports include swimming, diving, gymnastics, track and field, medal rounds of basketball and the men's soccer gold medal final. The HDTV coverage will total 399 hours and is a completely different production from the standard definition broadcast on the network. NBC has 124 HDTV affiliates with the potential to cover 86 percent of the country.

5 a.m.-Noon, 5-8 p.m., Midnight-1 a.m.

Bravo, available in 76 million households, will carry a total of 122 hours of Olympic coverage over 14 days, also beginning Saturday, Aug. 14. Bravo will feature a wide range of sports including tennis, equestrian, sailing, track cycling, archery, badminton, judo, synchronized swimming, handball and table tennis.
My reference directed to previous Voom customers saying their current cable packages offereing less programming and channels are if much better quality. I was just trying to point out that they their packages may be less in some situations for rental equipement and programming but the difference is not worth switching. They were making it out like VOOM was a horrible deal for $90 and their $50 packages were much better deals.
No, I think VOOM's price is a good one, I just wonder if it will stay there.

Also, I called and cancelled and set up a date of July 1st to come out and get the equipment. I get an email later in the day that says installs inc is coming out to INSTALL voom. I called today to make sure it was an uninstall and they said "no, it is a new installation, but look you where installed on April x". She was very nice, but VOOM CSR couldn't get this right. So now I may have to reschedule an Uninstallation again.

I know they realize I am being uninstalled 'cause I got a call from a customer retention person and a survey asking why I cancelled.
Im guessing that is a temporary promo within 6 months it will be much higher. In my area that cant buy you family cable.
Wow, cable here is $50/month without any premiums. We have 1 comcast hd reciever with HBO and we pay like $70/month. And thats the rate before the $8 increase thats coming.

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