From a few days ago: Acer CEO Talks Android, Chrome OS and How to Take on the iPad In a recent PC Week survey, Acer beat HP and Dell in terms of quality and customer service. The 10" Acer tablet with Honeycomb may be the one to take on the iPad. I'm not sure about Windows 7 in a tablet, though. I haven't seen anything to convince me that a Touch UI on Windows is anything but painful. I'd rather see the Zune/Windows Phone 7 UI put on a tablet.
Agree. The only way a Windows UI works in a touch environment is if a stylus is being used in conjunction with touch ability.
It could be. I didn't reboot it, but if you're trying to sell a tablet as an alternative to the iPad, it had better work no matter what happens to it.I wonder if it had something wrong with it. The tablet has a 1ghz arm processor so I figure it would be pretty responsive.
Although Swype improved my typing performance on a touchscreen, I'm still faster with a physical slide-out qwerty keyboard. I thumb-typed more articles than I care to admit on my old Touch Pro 2—a device with a physical keyboard that I regard as the gold standard for smartphones. Swype can't beat that,
I'm looking forward to your review. I know that Leo Laporte likes his a lot, even though he wasn't expecting to. From the video that I've seen of him running through the GUI, it's clear that Viewsonic must have tried to "improve" on the Android UI and ended up with a FUBAR instead. One blog I read said that there is nothing wrong with the hardware (well, maybe the screen should be swapped out for a better LCD) so Android tinkerers picked them up for the $399 and rooted them, ridding the Tab G of the "Touch and Tap" interface that Viewsonic installed. Obviously, not something that the average J6P is likely to do.
Speaking of the Droid X, one of my coworkers came in to my office last week, saying that it was an early Christmas present, and could I help him connect to our Corporate LAN. Our IT policies forbid non-Company devices on our network, so that was easy. However, when I tried to see what settings there were for setting up e-mail accounts, I was surprised at the UI lag. Now, to be fair, he had an anti-scratch screen protector (which I abhor) so that could have been slowing me down. But there was no native Exchange support that I could see. Is there an Android App for Exchange e-mail support? I would think there must be, if a Tablet is expected to make any headway in a Corporate setting.
Wow Leo actually had something nice to say about something that doesn't have a shiny fruit on the back of it and is a direct competitor to something his beloved Apple offers? Get outta here!know that Leo Laporte likes his a lot, even though he wasn't expecting to.
I think screen scratch protectors are way over rated! Haven't used them in years, since my HP-6300 days. On a stylus screen, if you use a proper stylus, it will not scratch the hard screen surface. If a capacitive screen you will get finger prints but these are easily wiped off with a microfil fiber anti lint cloth. I also have a spray bottle of eye glasses cleaner handy for a new like cleaning. IMO, don't waste your money on screen protectors unless you like to use a nail or metal file on your device.