I searched, found several older threads, I didn't find what I was looking for (I'm sure if I spent more time the answer is in their somewhere)
Anyone else having problems with FF, especially 300X? I can't seem to stop it where it shows on the Time Gauge. If I try to stop after it gets up to speed it goes way beyond where I stopped. If I try to stop maybe 30" before the end, it jumps to the screen choice of delete etc.
Is this an issue or just the way Dish DVR's work? My last DVR (DTV) was more accurate at the fastest speed, although not as fast as Dish.
I searched, found several older threads, I didn't find what I was looking for (I'm sure if I spent more time the answer is in their somewhere)
Anyone else having problems with FF, especially 300X? I can't seem to stop it where it shows on the Time Gauge. If I try to stop after it gets up to speed it goes way beyond where I stopped. If I try to stop maybe 30" before the end, it jumps to the screen choice of delete etc.
Is this an issue or just the way Dish DVR's work? My last DVR (DTV) was more accurate at the fastest speed, although not as fast as Dish.