If any service, streaming or Traditional, adds any channels, it will increase the monthly bill even more then the almost every year increase.

Then, the majority of channels not on any service (and the majority of channels already on a service), the content is majority reruns.

That content is already available free via services like Pluto TV, both of that content live and on demand.

You have options now, if not happy with the pricing, leave.

But you are correct, there is less and less new content on Broadcast and Cable Channels, because we are in a Transitional stage regarding how we receive Home Entertainment.

But it has always changed, we went from Antennaa to Cable to Satellite to Streaming.

From only watching it live and reruns to tapes to DVRs.

From Tapes to Laser Discs to DVDs to Blu-Rays to 4K Discs to streaming.

If you cannot accept change, go back to the world of Antennas, then you really will be complaining about content.

Again, if unhappy leave, that is the only why corporations notice, when it affects the bottom line.

But I really doubt Cable/Satellite Providers understand the change going on right now, they seem to be doing the same thing every year, raise the price, less options, doing that for as long as I remember.
Most people I know dropped Dish and DirecTV due to their pricing. The average person around here was spending between $130 AND $180.00 a month.

I haven't had either since I stopped installing them. I saw the writing on the wall and started buying DVD's. I have an extensive collection of old classics and rarely turn on my satellite system.

Unless it's Gunsmoke or something like that, I have zero interest in anything on TV. Their woke agenda has zero interest at this house. I keep adding to my collection all the time.

I'm not going to be forced to watch the garbage on TV today, and I am not going to pay $180 a month for streaming or broadcast television when they're only about 10 channels that even interest me.

I did like FETV due to the westerns, and I guess it's no longer available on FTA, or at least I haven't been about to locate it. It doesn't matter. I have most of the westerns they carried on DVD.
Most people I know dropped Dish and DirecTV due to their pricing. The average person around here was spending between $130 AND $180.00 a month.

I haven't had either since I stopped installing them. I saw the writing on the wall and started buying DVD's. I have an extensive collection of old classics and rarely turn on my satellite system.

Unless it's Gunsmoke or something like that, I have zero interest in anything on TV. Their woke agenda has zero interest at this house. I keep adding to my collection all the time.

I'm not going to be forced to watch the garbage on TV today, and I am not going to pay $180 a month for streaming or broadcast television when they're only about 10 channels that even interest me.

I did like FETV due to the westerns, and I guess it's no longer available on FTA, or at least I haven't been about to locate it. It doesn't matter. I have most of the westerns they carried on DVD.
Depending on where you live, there's two OTA western channels that are 24/7 westerns. OUTLAW and GRIT
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I'm watching Highway Patrol this morning on FeTV on Dish Network and noticed the black bar is gone and there is no longer any text scroll announcing Dish may pull FeTV.

Any word if both sides settled, or did both sides simply call a truth for now?
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Well, I guess not!

Reply from FeTV to my message on Facebook:

...we suspended the crawl message so DISH could take down the intrusive black bar. Unfortunately, we do not have a resolution and DISH could discontinue carriage of FETV despite that the fact that we are free of charge to them."
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Well, I guess not!

Reply from FeTV to my message on Facebook:

...we suspended the crawl message so DISH could take down the intrusive black bar. Unfortunately, we do not have a resolution and DISH could discontinue carriage of FETV despite that the fact that we are free of charge to them."
My guess based on that line, they are free of charge with the current contract, but with the new one, asking for a per sub fee, hence why Dish is dropping them.

Advertising is extremely down right now, most Broadcast/Cable Stations have seen a 50-70% drop in Ad Revenue, so they need that per sub fee.

Advertisers spend about $60 Billion a year on Television Advertising, in 2019, Broadcast/Cable received all of it, today, less then half, the rest goes to streaming, where you get a more accurate representation of who is watching.
I have, they did it one time when they were having a dispute with, I believe, one of the major OTA TV networks & it was showing up on the O&O stations. It then ended up turning into "move the scroll around the screen" & see if DISH can block it then...even then resorting to putting it along the edge &/or in the middle of the screen. IIRC, this lasted only a day or two & I thought DISH got their hands slapped for "altering" the content of these channels.
I remember DirecTV doing a similar thing with Viacom & Disney disputes in 2019.
Today, Dish Promise has removed the notice about potentially losing FETV. MyDISH

Nothing is mentioned about a new contract, but it is usually a good sign when that notice is removed.
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New today - It looks like Dish has inserted a black bar on the FETV picture. It appears that this was done to block FETV's scroll about potentially losing the channel on Dish and Sling. The original scroll also had a number to call to complain about losing FETV.

I have never seen Dish block a channel's dispute scroll before.
Oh, man have they ever been there before! I recall back with one of the early nasty disputes, it was dueling scroll-blocking by DiSH and moving of scroll by channels to dodge the blocking. Ended up at one point with most of the picture blocked.
Today, Dish Promise has removed the notice about potentially losing FETV. MyDISH

Nothing is mentioned about a new contract, but it is usually a good sign when that notice is removed.
I also noticed that. I sure hope their contract dispute is resolved. I love classic shows and FeTV is one channel I watch a lot.

Now, if they would only bring back Cozi TV, but I don't hold out much hope. I think Dish Network has no intention of bringing that channel back. They stated their contract with Cozi TV ended and that is that! Sounds like a similiar situation they had with MeTV a while back.
I also noticed that. I sure hope their contract dispute is resolved. I love classic shows and FeTV is one channel I watch a lot.

Now, if they would only bring back Cozi TV, but I don't hold out much hope. I think Dish Network has no intention of bringing that channel back. They stated their contract with Cozi TV ended and that is that! Sounds like a similiar situation they had with MeTV a while back.
I agree with you on that. Right before Thanksgiving, Dish changed the slate on 253 to say "Out contract with this channel has expired. We appreciate your patience as we continue our negotiations with the owner to restore the channel." Previous, the slate specifically said "Cozi" and it showed some of the shows on Cozi and the other channels that Dish carried that has the same shows. Dish also removed the part on dishpromise.com about Cozi and their contract with NBC Universal.

Adding Locals Pack to International Basic

Cancelled Dish
