Fear the Walking Dead (Walking Dead spin-off)

Explain how two teachers, two high school students, a drug addict, and a barber are going to figure out what happened and create a cure. Also they are in a subdivision. Even if they had people who specialize in that sort of thing they don't have the resources to make that possible. How would this group of people coming up with the solution be a realer situation?

They also have no way of knowing what is happening at every facility around the world since communications are over. I think what they are showing is much more realistic than what you are suggesting.

The thing you aren't getting about either run of Walking Dead is that it's a story about regular people trying to survive. They aren't capable of doing the things you want them to.

So just because there is no cure and you will turn into a zombie when you die in TWD's world even
if that might not happen for years or even decades there is no point to living? That's like saying "Since we will all die eventually anyways we might as well just kill ourselves now." in our world.

There have to be slow moments. It can't be a 42 minute zombie killing spree every week. That would be an absolutely terrible show. I've been reading in these threads about how boring Walking Dead is for years and how the show is dying but they keep setting new viewing records. It's obviously going to end at some point but they are already on season 6 and still have a bigger audience than any other show on cable. That's a great run for a TV series even if it ended there but it's not going to because the numbers are still huge.

If you had read anything I have posted before, I suggested that since the show is located in L.A., instead of rural Georgia, and that they are at the beginning of the zombie apocalypse , that they might learn from the media about what scientist might think is causing this phenomenon, before the entire civilization fell apart. Like in the Night of the Walking Dead , they clearly said that it was a space probe from Venus that was full of radiation when it was brought back to earth and it caused the corpses to reanimate to life. This was the perfect time to put something like that on the radio or the tv stations , internet , before the power went out completely. Instead the characters seem completely oblivious to any media when they had the power ,other than canned prerecorded show on the car radio. This would make the show more believable in my eyes and they could even follow Z nation's lead in trying to have some agency working on a possible cure. Now the main characters you are watching are not capable of either diagnosing or curing the zombie virus. But they could come in contact with a government official ,doctor, etc that might slip this tidbit into the conversation and give me and others this information. I get this show and TWD is nothing more than a "Fight or Flight" psychological response , played out over and over ad nauseam. I'm just asking that they give the audience a possible cause and possible cure, that might give the characters and the audience some hope for the possible future. It really makes no sense that suddenly out of the blue and for not apparent reason , everyone in the world that dies, no matter how, will come back as a zombie. I suggest that they put a little realism into the fantasy and make it more real to me and others. I don't think that this is an unreasonable request. Otherwise the shows have just lazy writers who don't want to think that hard and just deliver the same tired show each week with highlights of violent gore thrown in for fun.
If it's the same tired, lazy show week after week why are you still watching 6 years later?

It wouldn't make sense for the cause to be on TV and radio at the beginning of the outbreak when the CDC still didn't know the answers after everything had gone to hell. If local news outlets had the answers don't you think the CDC would too?
If you had read anything I have posted before, I suggested that since the show is located in L.A., instead of rural Georgia,
Why would LA have any more an idea than here? Afterall, the CDC is in Atlanta.

And the setting isn't that rural, it's only about 30 miles outside Atlanta.
I was more referring to him shooting the neighbor zombie in the head (twice, while he could have shot him in the chest) and more specifically, when Travis was dragging the body out he (Daniel) told him to burn the body "so the disease doesn't spread".
I would have to go back and watch, but wasn't the neighbor in a struggle with a main character at the time? Perhaps a head shot was all he had.
A struggle, yes, to a slight degree. Obviously wasn't "close" enough for it to be very dangerous in that he (Travis) got scratched or bit). He also took (2) shots, one at the zombie's face, which did nothing, and then the 2nd one, where he casually walked up to the zombie - that just stood there and waited - and put the barrel of the shotgun inches from his head.
The thread for this show over at AVS is sad.... Dozens of posters asking "why aren't they stocking up on weapons", "they should have holed up in that grocery store for supplies, safety, etc", and on and on. It's like the people posting know what's going to happen in the future and the characters should also know ..... oh wait, the posters do know because it's a TV show and there's been one based on the future that they've seen !!! They have seemingly forgotten that the FTWD characters haven't had the chance to watch TWD for the past few years to know what to do !!
How does Daniel Salazar (the barber shop owner) seem to know a lot about what's going on ?
Salazar has two things going for him. 1) he is very observant. 2) he was in a country where society crumbled before his eyes and has experienced first hand what happens to the citizenry and the military.

So I contend that Salazar doesn't really know what's going on, but rather reacting to a situation he has experienced before. He knows what is most likely coming down the pike and trying to avoid it. The character is not omniscient, just observant and smart!
Why would LA have any more an idea than here? Afterall, the CDC is in Atlanta.

And the setting isn't that rural, it's only about 30 miles outside Atlanta.
L.A. is a much bigger city than Atlanta and as such, I would think would have access to more media about what it going on. I would think that theories in the media would be out there describing what they think would be causing the zombie virus outbreak across the country. The only thing I heard on their radio in the background was that governors from 11 states had called out the national guard to maintain order. Anything would be better than just total black out of the media. I think the main reason that we didn't find out about theories of what caused the zombie virus from the CDC on the main Walking Dead show when it first started, was Rick was in a coma and he was the main focus of the show from the start. You saw what was going on from his view.

On the Fear of the Walking Dead they had enough time to float many theories ,rumors, gossip ,etc before the lights went out completely. They had a day or two in their time to observe the mass sick out at the high school, the jammed highways , the repeated shooting of a zombie in the downtown city by police, and no where was the idea floated about what might be causing this problem on the radio , by other people they come in contact with etc. But our characters didn't seem to really dig to much into what was going on, they just accepted the weird shootings , riots ,etc like it was a common every day occurrence. They still haven't asked about what is causing it to the Government doctor and or the military that is now guarding their town. This is not likely in real life. The people would be demanding to know what is going on , why they can't contact their relatives in other towns ,cities, states etc. These characters don't seem to give a crap what is going on about the bigger world, just their own small family universe.

I lived through about a week without electricity , tap water, any fast food or groceries in our southeast Texas area after Hurricane Ike in 08. We were desperate to know what was going on in our town , when the power would come back on, the water, etc. All the neighbors that were still in our subdivision banded together and talked about this very thing to us and each other. I had an old radio that picked up one Southeast Texas radio station KLVI that stayed on most of the day and they gave us details about FEMA distribution centers, free ice and M.R.I.S and when the power would be back and the water etc. The tv stations weren't up yet and most people had still not come back from evacuation orders. We in our neighbor hood looked out for each other and we even shared what we had with each other. These characters in this show seem to be caught up in their own dramas and in denial in general. They are not very likable people in my eyes , to not even want to know what is going on in the bigger world around them. The only one that seems to care at all is the High School Counselor who had broke the fencing to see what is still out there outside their small subdivision.
If it's the same tired, lazy show week after week why are you still watching 6 years later?

It wouldn't make sense for the cause to be on TV and radio at the beginning of the outbreak when the CDC still didn't know the answers after everything had gone to hell. If local news outlets had the answers don't you think the CDC would too?

I have watched this new show because I thought we might learn about the cause of the virus and we would see the national response to it as well. I watched it to see if they would be any different than the Walking Dead. It is not any different. Same flight or fight response , different city , different time, same show. But really , why do you care about why I watch? I don 't understand why you feel the need to try to berate me about what I post in this thread? I have posted rational reasons why I feel that they should have told us more about the cause of the virus , and why they should. IF you don't agree with me , that is more than fine. You are entitled to your opinion but so am I.
I have watched this new show because I thought we might learn about the cause of the virus and we would see the national response to it as well. I watched it to see if they would be any different than the Walking Dead. It is not any different. Same flight or fight response , different city , different time, same show. But really , why do you care about why I watch? I don 't understand why you feel the need to try to berate me about what I post in this thread? I have posted rational reasons why I feel that they should have told us more about the cause of the virus , and why they should. IF you don't agree with me , that is more than fine. You are entitled to your opinion but so am I.

I never berated you or said that you weren't entitled to your opinion. Please point out when that happened. I simply disagreed with you and tried to explain my reasons why. When you explained the reasons for your opinions I didn't get upset so I'm not sure why you are when I do the same.

The only thing I said that was even somewhat personal in all these posts is when I asked you why you were still watching a show you think is boring after 6 years. That doesn't sound like the most outrageous question in the world to me.
I never berated you or said that you weren't entitled to your opinion. Please point out when that happened. I simply disagreed with you and tried to explain my reasons why. When you explained the reasons for your opinions I didn't get upset so I'm not sure why you are when I do the same.

The only thing I said that was even somewhat personal in all these posts is when I asked you why you were still watching a show you think is boring after 6 years. That doesn't sound like the most outrageous question in the world to me.

Alright maybe not berate me, but it seems like you can not acknowledge any of my points without totally discarding them like they aren't valid. You might not agree with them ,but why does it have to be all or nothing with you? I mean I watch a lot of tv shows that I don't always agree with their plots, characters or story lines, but I still comment on them without totally just not watching them any more. I acknowledged that the basic plot of the shows like Walking Dead is the total "fight or flight" survival mentality , I only suggest that for total realism ,they ought to give us more information about why it is happening. It doesn't have to be the real reason, but it would be nice to think that someone in this world has a theory ,gossip, rumors about why it is happening. This would improve the show and it would definitely be a more human response, that the people going through this show would be experiencing, instead of total denial and self interested drama.
Alright maybe not berate me, but it seems like you can not acknowledge any of my points without totally discarding them like they aren't valid. You might not agree with them ,but why does it have to be all or nothing with you? I mean I watch a lot of tv shows that I don't always agree with their plots, characters or story lines, but I still comment on them without totally just not watching them any more. I acknowledged that the basic plot of the shows like Walking Dead is the total "fight or flight" survival mentality , I only suggest that for total realism ,they ought to give us more information about why it is happening. It doesn't have to be the real reason, but it would be nice to think that someone in this world has a theory ,gossip, rumors about why it is happening. This would improve the show and it would definitely be a more human response, that the people going through this show would be experiencing, instead of total denial and self interested drama.

Nothing was really meant to be personal. I'm sorry if you felt it was. You and a few other people gave reasons why they should explain it and how it could be done. My posts tried to point out the reasons I didn't think it would work. I just questioned the logistics of what you thought they should do to explain it.That's all.

I still don't understand why this is such a big deal though. My opinion is that in a real world scenario like this regular people wouldn't know what caused the disease. Did the average people in Africa know what caused Ebola? Probably not. I just did a quick google search and it looks like they still don't know for sure how the first person with Ebola became infected. They say it could have been started when a person was bit by an infected bat back but they don't know for sure. They do know that the virus mutates quickly and spreads easily. Here is an article describing what could have happened at the beginning of Ebola from NBC News.


In my mind the zombie virus is just a science fiction version of a real world virus like Ebola. Reading that article and seeing how fast it spread before people realized what was happening sounds very similar to a lot of the Zombie fiction I have seen in movies, TV, and books. It doesn't matter to me who the first person infected in The Walking Dead was or what kind of animal may have bit them.

I suppose they could have shown the audience a random person you never see again getting bit by a monkey in the first episode of Walking Dead like in the start of 28 Days Later. Then the audience would know where the virus came from even if the main characters didn't. It wouldn't improve the show for me in any way since these characters still don't have the means to do anything about it but I guess it wouldn't make it any worse either.
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I remember an interview with one of the producers or perhaps Kirkman stating we would see how this all started at the beginning. I thought this meant the actual cause and some science behind it. So far I'm pretty disappointed in the show, a bunch of moody people making poor decisions, like a soap opera. Hoping the finale brings it back to what it was sold as. And that mother/teacher is annoying, too similar too her personality in gone girl.
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I remember an interview with one of the producers or perhaps Kirkman stating we would see how this all started at the beginning. I thought this meant the actual cause and some science behind it. So far I'm pretty disappointed in the show, a bunch of moody people making poor decisions, like a soap opera. Hoping the finale brings it back to what it was sold as. And that mother/teacher is annoying, too similar too her personality in gone girl.
I've been very disappointed in this show too , for the same reasons I have already outline earlier. I have actually rooted for the zombies to eat the druggie son and the insolent little b*tch of a daughter. For Clueless of the year award , I would give it to the Teacher's boyfriend ,who thinks everything will be alright: "the sun will come out tomorrow...."
'Fear The Walking Dead' Ep. 5 Recap https://celebrity.yahoo.com/news/fear-walking-dead-ep-5-recap-021829820.html
As things in Los Angeles continued to descend into the walker apocalypse on "Fear the Walking Dead," our group learned some valuable information about a secret military operation.Getting the information about exactly what "Cobalt" is came at a hefty price tag for many of the characters we have been following in the freshman series. Beyond learning the truth about what "Cobalt" is, the group began to pick up more valuable information about how to survive in this new world, and Nick found a new ally.Here's what happened in Sunday's "Fear the Walking Dead" Episode 5:Doug is back! The neighbor who Travis Manawa attempted to counsel in last week's episode is alive and well and in some sort of prison situation, chained up inside a fence, as a well-dressed man named Strand (newcomer Colman Domingo) messes with his mind. While Doug cries, Strand looks at a photo of the man's wife, Maria, and sends Doug over the edge by suggesting Mrs. Doug's figure will be "just the ticket" to find the kind of man that will help her survive in this new world. Doug starts to sob and shakes the chain link fence as guards rush in and take him away. The moment gives Strand time to turn his attention to someone else. "So then, who the hell are you?" he asks, looking at Nick.Back inside the fences of her Los Angeles neighborhood, Ofelia is furious over not having answers about where they took her mom, Griselda. She tosses anything she can at the gates, angering the National Guard. The young man she's been getting close with, Andrew Adams, arrives just in time to stop a commanding officer from taking action against her.
'Fear the Walking Dead': Ruben Blades Previews Season Finale https://www.yahoo.com/tv/fear-the-walking-dead-ruben-blades-previews-185004108.html
He's a Grammy-winning musician, an attorney with a degree in international law from Harvard, and he served as the Minister of Tourism in his beloved birth country of Panama from 2004-09. And actor Ruben Blades is also a comic book collector who took time out of his Renaissance man schedule this summer to play on a key role in The Walking Dead companion series, Fear the Walking Dead. The backstory for his Daniel Salazar, a downtown Los Angeles barber whose shop Travis Manawa took refuge in during the early apocalypse riots in episode two, had unfolded in dribs and drabs until "Cobalt," the penultimate Season 1 entry that revealed Daniel's shocking history of war torture… being on both sides of it.Blades, 67, talked to Yahoo TV about why he signed on to play Daniel, the real world events he drew on to create the complex character, his hopes for Season 2, and a big preview of what to expect in Sunday's Season 1 finale.

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