FCC Replacing BUD for those with protected status.

If - and I say IF - this all pans out as the video says then hobbyist C-band will largely be finished in the US as very few of us can afford multiple $5K dishes with expensive filters.

I am keeping in mind though that they are trying to sell you new equipment - larger dishes, special filters, etc - and pushing that you need to install them now. If you install them now and trash your old equipment then you will never know if it would have still worked or not.

Many of us with hobbyist C-band dishes live in rural areas where there will likely be less interference from 5G so with new filtered lnbfs from Titanium hopefully this will mitigate some or most of the issues we will face.

I am holding out hope that the impact will not be as severe as they are saying and will do what I can to keep my current equipment functional but I am also ready to accept that there is very little I, as a hobbyist, can do at this point if new dishes are required. :rolleyes
I hope you are correct and things don't happen as severely as expected. But I think this repack will end up being worse than the OTA repack. Really a bummer but I don't have too much money into my system either. I have reused about everything I could.
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Why didn't you tell me that C-band is dying! Dammit!!!

I've invested over 50K in 3.8- 4.2 (Red) and 4.0-4.2 (Blue) BPF filtering LNBF development, and first run samples. Boy, do I feel stupid!!!
Well, no need to get angry. Everyone is just guessing as to what is to come. If 5G becomes a problem for me I'll probably be looking for one of those LNBFs. Actually, 2.
I suppose a dry sense humor has a way of being lost in a post... :cool: LOL

No guessing on my part. Knowledge has me investing in the changes...
It's sometimes hard to know what the intent of ones writings are. Maybe you should give us an image of your smile when you write that? Just funnin you......
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Proud to say I will still be watching C-band when all you city slickers are fighting interference. I am thinking I will be dust by the time any 5g nodes are installed in Dacusville SC!
I live in a city of about 12,000 but we currently have 4G/LTE here so I guess we're not too backwards. I wouldn't be surprised if we get 5G within a year since a lot of people come here mostly because of the Super WalMart.
I already have 5G at the house, the T-Mobile variety, probably not in the C-band (yet). I'm in a smallish town but near ABQ so we'll see. I did get one of Brian's C2-PLL LNBFs for my BUD
I am rural too. Just hoping my 10ft dish is enough. I'm always looking but never see 12s. I really wish 3 degree spacing would be brought back if they run fewer satellites but that would be tough on any companies with multifeed dishes...
The Canadian spectrum auction for 3.5 Ghz starts on June 15.
The consultation for 3.8Ghz starts in August.
Pointing my dish to my due south satellite, the local cell tower is pretty much 90 degrees to it, due west. It is only about 800 feet away in line-of-sight at the top of the mountain.
Hopefully I won't find out its effects for at least a year or two.
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Don't think I'll have much of a problem with 5G here, the local telcos already programmed their cell LTE radios to display 5G on newer phones so the kids are happy... and the telcos spent nothing. Local cell towers are still fed with copper twisted pair so bandwidth is not an issue... there just isn't any. :) Would be a major upgrade to get fiber run to the cell towers. Looking forward to when it takes less than two days to deliver a text message.

As far as C-band, the nearest tower is 3mi north of me, the other is 4mi streight south. (If) they ever get to installing 5G radios there might be some interference if there are channels in the 3-4GHz range, but I expect that to be directed to the nearest town. Those antennae would be pointed 90deg away from me so it likely wouldn't bother. The town is also about 4mi SW of me so if they install small A/P radios around town the trees and buildings would shield my C-band antennas quite well.

Time will tell I guess.
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I started off with a 3ft mini BUD, moved on to a 6ft and now happy with 10ft but if I need to get 12ft dish I will probably figure out a way to do it!
Don't think I'll have much of a problem with 5G here, the local telcos already programmed their cell LTE radios to display 5G on newer phones so the kids are happy... and the telcos spent nothing. Local cell towers are still fed with copper twisted pair so bandwidth is not an issue... there just isn't any. :) Would be a major upgrade to get fiber run to the cell towers. Looking forward to when it takes less than two days to deliver a text message.

As far as C-band, the nearest tower is 3mi north of me, the other is 4mi streight south. (If) they ever get to installing 5G radios there might be some interference if there are channels in the 3-4GHz range, but I expect that to be directed to the nearest town. Those antennae would be pointed 90deg away from me so it likely wouldn't bother. The town is also about 4mi SW of me so if they install small A/P radios around town the trees and buildings would shield my C-band antennas quite well.

Time will tell I guess.
So they are feeding towers with twisted pair and calling it 5G? what a joke. Do the kids not wonder why it is not any faster??
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