FCC needs to get involved now

datwell said:
I just don't understand the programming providers being greedy during a recession! That's just crazy. Straightline everything and keep on cashing the checks for the time being sounds like a much better strategy to me.
From what I recall, the recession started in December, 2007 and ended June, 2009. Didn't all cable and satellite companies raise rates TWICE during that period?
According to the NBER, the recession is over.

And it is on topic. If the complaint is that the programmers are raising rates during a recession, Dish Network raised rates twice during the recession, yet that seems to be ok.
I've thought this for years, starting back when they started scrambling the C-Band signals. If it's on the airwaves, and includes advertising, let the ads pay for the content.
I've felt that way for many years. As much as I love FiOS TV, I'm on the verse of dumping Pay TV and just sticking to the over-the-air antenna, Netflix and the Internet for my needs.
Only way

The only way I see any type of a la carte happening is if there is a basic package that has to be subbed to 1st. Then you can add any channel to that. Thing is the program owners will not allow this as they have in mind that they want all their channels in the package. This would take gov intervention.
It isn't that sports has a specific exemption. As it goes, baseball has an exemption, but not because of laws. Baseball's exemption comes from a ruling by Judge Landis regarding the Federal League, the "third" major league back in 1914-1915. Judge Landis ruled that baseball is a sport, not a business, and thus is exempt from the Sherman Anti-Trust Acts.

And by 1920, Judge Landis was the first commissioner of Major League Baseball.

Ahhh, as the saying goes, "the REST of the story."
From what I recall, the recession started in December, 2007 and ended June, 2009.

Greg Bimson said:
According to the NBER, the recession is over.

The NBER only recently (within the last month) announced that the recession ended in June 2009. There was no way anybody could have known it before the recent announcement. And most folks still don't "feel" it. Go on the street and ask ten people if they think the recession is over.
My wish came true.........

By JOELLE TESSLER, AP Technology Writer
WASHINGTON (AP) - As a fee dispute continues to keep Fox programming off Cablevision systems, federal regulators are demanding information from both companies.
The blackout enters its second week Saturday if a deal isn't reached. Roughly three million Cablevision subscribers in the New York area have been cut off from baseball playoffs, "House" and other programs.
The Federal Communications Commission sent letters to the heads of Cablevision Systems Corp. and News Corp.'s Fox on Friday. The FCC is asking them to describe how they are meeting a government mandate to negotiate in "good faith" and provide details about their efforts to reach a deal. The agency is also asking both companies to provide any evidence that the other side is not bargaining in good faith.
Government being what government is, I'm sure they have a definition set in stone of that "good Faith" is.

The problem with government getting involved is the lack of flexibility that government itself represents.

In order to be "fair" government has to have laws and regulations based on those laws that are very constraining and narrow.

This makes bureaucrats some of the most exasperating people to deal with, if you overwhelm them with logic and good sense, they throw their regulations back at you and they win by default.

Believe you me, I know from both sides.

I was one of those bureaucrats for 26 years and I had that mentality.

Only when I retired and moved out of my little cocoon into the real world did I realize how much damage to society has been wreaked by government moving into every crevace of our lives.

Now government is encroaching even deeper into the realm of life traditionally reserved to religious and benevolent organizations - government becomes religion - exactly what the founders tried to prevent has happened.

NEVER invite that camel's nose under your tent.
I wonder if all of the press will bitch and moan when 17 News Corp FOX O&O's, 9 News Corp MyNet O&O's and 6 Local TV LLC FOX affiliates go dark? They sure are bitching and moaning over New York loosing two televisoion stations on CableVision. I know that NY is the #1 market, but have they ever heard of rabbit ears? Or a TV Antenna? Thankfully Local TV sold WBRC-TV to Raycom, or my local FOX would be in this mess, so it is easy for me to say, OK, I don't care, but I do feel for the subscribers who are impacted by this as Dish could just as easily have a dispute with Raycom or any other of the broadcasters that own the local affiliates in the market I am in.


USB Wireless Connector available from Dish Network yet?

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