Favre teammates NOW throwing him under the bus!

Where was all this criticism after the Jets beat the Titans? Was Favre socializing with his teammates more then? Was he nicer to them in the middle of the season? Salsa's got it right, this is finding someone to blame when things went wrong. When Pennington leaves and gets his new team in the playoffs and Favre doesn't do the same for the Jets, who gets the blame?

I caught some of the Miami game. Favre took a worse beating in that game than he did all last year with the Packers. Are the Jets offensive linemen there to block or help the QB up after he gets hit? The part I saw sure made it look like they're really good at helping Favre get up off the ground.

The Jets went from 4-12 to 9-7, from being bad to a little better than mediocre. I know it hurts and looks worse that they folded at the end, but did Jets fans really think they were going to the Super Bowl?

I knew this team had more problems than it was showing when Coles made the comment that he used to be the focus on offense and this year everything revolved around the QB. I don't know what it is with WRs and their ability to make everyone unhappy. If you don't believe me, take a look at Dallas and Owens' jealousy over Witten catching passes. It tore that team apart.
As long as teams are winning you're not going to hear criticisms. Even TO kept his mouth shut when the Cowboys won and he felt he didn't get the ball enough.

You're not going to win too many games down the stretch when your QB had nine TDs and 18 INTs in his last 12 games of season. A QB that posts good numbers on a winning team often gets credit for those victories. Shouldn't a QB that puts up crappy numbers on a non-playoff team get most of the blame too??
I'm not saying Favre should be blameless for the Jets not making the playoffs. I'm saying he's not the only guy who played poorly on the team down the stretch. Saying Favre didn't hang out with us enough is really a BS excuse for not playing well and shows there was not harmony on the team anytime during the year. Just as in Green bay there were Rodgers supporters and Favre supporters, the Jets had guys who never got over a well liked QB being traded. The RB who spoke out at least mentioned the interceptions. The nameless guys all talked about Favre being "distant". At least from the reports I've seen.
That goes against what was written in the story. It suggested that he didn't want anything to do with Favre.

I really don't believe everything I read until proven true. My point is if Favre retires, then who do they have? The backup to Favre, they have to good of a record to draft a starting QB, no real QB will be a free agent. The Patriots will probably keep Cassel with Brady's future uncertain.

Yes Favre can be a distraction, but he is the only good QB they have, which is sad.
I really don't believe everything I read until proven true. My point is if Favre retires, then who do they have? The backup to Favre, they have to good of a record to draft a starting QB, no real QB will be a free agent. The Patriots will probably keep Cassel with Brady's future uncertain.

Yes Favre can be a distraction, but he is the only good QB they have, which is sad.
I don't think anybody believes everything they read, but some things are more credible than others. Besides, the only way that it could theoretically be proven untrue is if Cowher comes out and denies it, or if he takes the Jets job and tells Brett to come back for another year. Speaking of Cassel, you never know what you'll get when you give somebody a chance. After all, who predicted that he would do as well as he did this year? You just never know.
I don't think anybody believes everything they read, but some things are more credible than others. Besides, the only way that it could theoretically be proven untrue is if Cowher comes out and denies it, or if he takes the Jets job and tells Brett to come back for another year. Speaking of Cassel, you never know what you'll get when you give somebody a chance. After all, who predicted that he would do as well as he did this year? You just never know.

Ya, Scott Mitchell was a long term answer for the Lions now wasn't he ....:D

Cassel is in the same position Mitchell was in with Miami.
Mitchell had a good year or two, but nothing spectacular.

No, una puta enconderia detras un tal Ed Werder, sin dar su nombre.

un hombre se lo dice cara a cara de quien se esta hablando.Es un pendejo. Y se dice (una puta se esconderia detras de un tal Ed Werder:D) I'm messing with you brain


Si, tienes razon se me olvido el "se." Eso pasa cuando se trata de escribir demasiado rapido. :D En el informe de hoy, Jones dijo que hablaria con el cara a cara. Ademas creo que es diferente porque Jones respondia a las preguntas del anfitrion. No buscaba la prensa para criticar a Favre.

Es cierto. Lo vi por espn. Voy a dejar de escribir en español antes que no llamen la atención. Seguiremos conversando Brainiac o cerebro grande:D

When you're the QB and the team is successful you get too much of the credit. And nobody is fawned over more than Brett Favre. When the team is not successful, you get the blame. Especially when you throw countless interceptions. You can't have one without the other.

Where was all this criticism after the Jets beat the Titans? Was Favre socializing with his teammates more then? Was he nicer to them in the middle of the season? Salsa's got it right, this is finding someone to blame when things went wrong. When Pennington leaves and gets his new team in the playoffs and Favre doesn't do the same for the Jets, who gets the blame?

I caught some of the Miami game. Favre took a worse beating in that game than he did all last year with the Packers. Are the Jets offensive linemen there to block or help the QB up after he gets hit? The part I saw sure made it look like they're really good at helping Favre get up off the ground.

The Jets went from 4-12 to 9-7, from being bad to a little better than mediocre. I know it hurts and looks worse that they folded at the end, but did Jets fans really think they were going to the Super Bowl?

I knew this team had more problems than it was showing when Coles made the comment that he used to be the focus on offense and this year everything revolved around the QB. I don't know what it is with WRs and their ability to make everyone unhappy. If you don't believe me, take a look at Dallas and Owens' jealousy over Witten catching passes. It tore that team apart.

Thanks MarkH.....you hit a bulls-eye with your comments!:up
You're not going to win too many games down the stretch when your QB had nine TDs and 18 INTs in his last 12 games of season. A QB that posts good numbers on a winning team often gets credit for those victories. Shouldn't a QB that puts up crappy numbers on a non-playoff team get most of the blame too??

You are absolutely right and NO ONE is disputing what you are posting. But what IS being disputed is the fact that EVERYONE had a part in the debacle that happend in Jets camp. I mean the same could be said that in the final 6 games, the team averaged almost 26 points per game...that should be more than enough to win most of your games with a DECENT defense. BUT...the defense on AVERAGE, was giving up almost 27 or 28 points a game....can't you also say, that when your defense gives up that many points per game, "you're not going to win too many games down the stretch"...?? I mean if the defense was giving up, say, 14-18 points a game....then you can say the offense, in this case, the QB, had alot to do with what happened.

...EVERYONE in that locker room caused the firing of Mangini....not saying he didn't make mistakes.....but HOW does a coach that took a team from 4-12 to 9-7 and ALMOST make the playoffs gets fired? That almost smells like management is looking for scapegoats.
This thread is going in circles. People are saying basically the same thing over and over again. Everyone's point has some validity, and it doesn't look like anyone is going to be changing anyone else's mind. I think perhaps it's time to move on...;)

sorry guys. nothing said that wasn't already posted. I'll gladly translate it through a PM. let me know:) sorry,didn't mean to be rude.

That's OK. When I tried to translate it, some words didn't translate.

No, una puta enconderia detras un tal Ed Werder, sin dar su nombre.

Not, a prostitute enconderia detras a such Ed Werder, without giving its name.

un hombre se lo dice cara a cara de quien se esta hablando.Es un pendejo. Y se dice (una puta se esconderia detras de un tal Ed Werder) I'm messing with you brain

A man is said him face to face of whom himself this speaking.Es an idiot. And he is said (a prostitute himself esconderia detras of a such Ed Werder.

Si, tienes razon se me olvido el "se." Eso pasa cuando se trata de escribir demasiado rapido. En el informe de hoy, Jones dijo que hablaria con el cara a cara. Ademas creo que es diferente porque Jones respondia a las preguntas del anfitrion. No buscaba la prensa para criticar a Favre.

If, you have razon itself me oversight the "itself." That passes when is a matter of writing too much rapido. In the report of today, Jones said that hablaria with the face to face. Ademas I believe that is different because Jones respondia to the questions of the anfitrion. Did not it seek the press to criticize

Es cierto. Lo vi por espn. Voy a dejar de escribir en español antes que no llamen la atención. Seguiremos conversando Brainiac o cerebro grande:D

Is certain. I saw it for espn. I am going to leave to write in Spanish before that call not the attention. We will continue conversing Brainiac or large brain:D

I need to find a new translator.:D
This thread is going in circles. People are saying basically the same thing over and over again. Everyone's point has some validity, and it doesn't look like anyone is going to be changing anyone else's mind. I think perhaps it's time to move on...;)
I think the thread had run its course on its own; after all the last post occurred over 16 hours before yours. But, then again maybe you know what you're talking about. You have shown a knack for making some recent threads go in circles....
This thread is going in circles. People are saying basically the same thing over and over again. Everyone's point has some validity, and it doesn't look like anyone is going to be changing anyone else's mind. I think perhaps it's time to move on...;)


And here I thought Ramy was the sport's Mod.;):rolleyes:

Where do you think the next Winter Classic will be and who plays?

Worst Team Ever?
