Nice to see the shout outs to Yuengling, the only good thing to come out of PA! (I kid, I kid).
What a relief! I would've assumed you were going to say Iron City!I actually had the unfortunate opportunity to try IC before and I can honestly say it was probably the worst thing ever! Even worse than any Busch or Old Milwaukee beer I ever had!
I hate Iron City beer, I use to love Rolling Rock, but when Anheuser Bush bought them and moved them out of Latrobe I stopped drinking it.
Topic says it all... I'm personally a huge fan of a well made beer.
My favorites tend to go in cycles.. though at this moment in time if I could only have one beer... it would likely be La Fin Du Monde.... next week I would likely choose something else.
Other favorites:
Rodenbach Grand Cru
Bell's Two Hearted Ale
Arrogant Bastard Ale
Rochefort 10
St. Bernardus ABT 12
The Sixth Glass Quadruple
Stone Ruination IPA
Rogue Shakespeare Stout
Celebrator Dopplebock
Samuel Smith's Imperial Stout
Samuel Smith's Oatmeal Stout
La Chouffe
Westvleteren 12 (wish this one wasn't next to impossible to get ahold of, have only had it twice.. but what a beer it is!)
Weihenstephaner Hefeweizen
Could go on for sometime.. but that's more than enough.
Let's hear yours!