Is it too late? I summited my comment but at 12:01AM on May 31st EST
May 30th 2018
Federal Communications Commission
The C-Band spectrum helped build and revolutionize the telecommunications sector and will be needed for many years to come. I write to you on behalf of the C-Band community hoping to help keep the C-Band spectrum for television and radio use. The C-Band spectrum should be used exclusively by Broadcast up linkers and by terrestrial receiving stations located across the country. C-Band is a very effective and reliable way of broadcasting radio signals, television signals, and weather data. Unlike other frequencies, C Band doesn't depend on weather conditions. The loss of the C-Band spectrum will have dire consequences to the broadcaster. They (the broadcaster) wont have a effective way of distributing their content across cable systems spanning the country. Until we have large Fiber optic infrastructures, C-Band will be needed to distribute the content. Without C-Band many broadcasters will be forced to go off air. Please help save the C-Band spectrum in order for future generations to have an efficient distribution system.
Here's a new article detailing the business world's perspective on the plans for C-band. Wall Street has been very eager to see the satellite companies auction/sell at least 100 MHz of C-band spectrum to the cell phone companies, due to the amount of money the satellite companies would raise. As noted in the article, Intelsat has a worrying amount of debt that investors want dealt with.