Fast Processors?

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SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Jan 27, 2005
Anybody had any experience with recievers using the PowerPC or equivalent processor?

I am currently using PANSAT but response times (channel surfing) are somewhat slow. :no
I have experience with the processor when it comes to computers and I can tell you check the memory. You need like 2X compared to standard ones to make it work at the same speed.

questic said:
Anybody had any experience with receivers using the PowerPC or equivalent processor?

I am currently using PANSAT but response times (channel surfing) are somewhat slow. :no
Not a computer question... :p I know more than I ever wanted to about computer processors.

I am asking about the processors inside the PANSAT and FORTEC Units:
Sti 5518, ST2D 32bit 81 MHz

I've noticed the "dreambox" and "ariva" both utilize PowerPC chips:
250 MHz IBM PowerPC Processor (350 Mips)

My question is... Has anyone used any of the other recievers utilizing faster processors? :)
nope....probably because both of those are hack boxes, and since we dont talk about theft of service here they wouldn't be posting :)
I beg to differ with you Iceberg, those boxes are not any more of a "hack box" as are the Fortec Ultra or the Pansat 2500...they just have faster processors. What is it with you anyway.
Maybe Iceberg finds it HARD to believe that anyone would want to upgrade their receiver ($200) just to be able to change channels faster, thats what it is with me!

Just changed channel on a Fortec Lifetime Ultra and it took 2 seconds.......I can wait!

Just not worth the money! (IMO)
Just so you know Iceberg...

Don't mean to sound snobby but I would pay for better surf speeds and channel searching speeds. If I didn't like it I would just pawn it off to that auction site.

Just looking for opinions... Didn't mean to start a riot.
No problem Questic, we know what you are saying, you asked for opinions and thats what you got, maybe its just me who is CHEAP : )
rayydio said:
I beg to differ with you Iceberg, those boxes are not any more of a "hack box" as are the Fortec Ultra or the Pansat 2500...they just have faster processors.

I have yet to come across someone who has one of these and is using it for only FTA channels. So the channel takes a second or two to come in, not the end of the world. Its just like Dish, Direct, ExpressVu or StarChoice. If its motorized, that point is irrelevant because the motor can only go so fast :)
What is it with you anyway.
What do you mean? The fact that I cannot tolerate hackers. Look Holmes, when I first started here, there was no FTA section. Myself, Pete and a few others had the "General Satellite" area for FTA. Once we got this area, myself, Pete and the other admin have been busting our humps to keep the hack talk out of here and I think we do a damn good job of it. I don't understand why some people have to get their jollies because "woo...I'm stealing Dish Network". I had Dish for 4 years (still do), but all I have with them is locals. Why? Because their isnt crap on there. I had it for Sports, and I can get TONS more hockey games on FTA than I can with Dish, Direct, or any other satellite provider so I cancelled all my packages and kept the locals (for the cabin since we cant get anything OTA).

Lets put a different spin on it. A while back, they (admin) were going to ban ANY post that referenced Pansat, due to all the publicity about them as a hack box. We convinced them to allow us to because some people do have legit boxes (me one of them. Bought it at factory fresh and no modifications were done). There may be someone out there with a Dreambox that isnt a hack box...I have yet to find one on this board :)

**rant off**
questic said:
Just so you know Iceberg...

Don't mean to sound snobby but I would pay for better surf speeds and channel searching speeds. If I didn't like it I would just pawn it off to that auction site.

Just looking for opinions... Didn't mean to start a riot.

not a problem. I was just saying most of the people that come on here with a dreambox or _____Bird (fill in the color) are usually hackers because they ask blatant hack questions. :)
PSB said:
Maybe Iceberg finds it HARD to believe that anyone would want to upgrade their receiver ($200) just to be able to change channels faster, thats what it is with me!

Just changed channel on a Fortec Lifetime Ultra and it took 2 seconds.......I can wait!

Just not worth the money! (IMO)

Since I motor around a lot, I have to wait for the motor to change positions so if the channels can change at one second or tow, its irrelevant to me. Now between my Viacast and the Pansat, the channels change differently. Viacast takes a while sometimes to tune the channel in.
I find my satworks to be perfectly satisfactory as far as channel changing speeds, it is as fast as my old D*tv reciever was. Now as far as SLOW try changing a BUD from a channel on amc 10 to one on amc 6............
drhydro said:
I find my satworks to be perfectly satisfactory as far as channel changing speeds, it is as fast as my old D*tv reciever was. Now as far as SLOW try changing a BUD from a channel on amc 10 to one on amc 6............

Heck, it seems like an ion going from G10 to SBS6,....thats why I went to a fixed dish at G10
Iceberg said:
I have yet to come across someone who has one of these and is using it for only FTA channels. So the channel takes a second or two to come in, not the end of the world. Its just like Dish, Direct, ExpressVu or StarChoice. If its motorized, that point is irrelevant because the motor can only go so fast :)

What do you mean? The fact that I cannot tolerate hackers. Look Holmes, when I first started here, there was no FTA section. Myself, Pete and a few others had the "General Satellite" area for FTA. Once we got this area, myself, Pete and the other admin have been busting our humps to keep the hack talk out of here and I think we do a damn good job of it. I don't understand why some people have to get their jollies because "woo...I'm stealing Dish Network". I had Dish for 4 years (still do), but all I have with them is locals. Why? Because their isnt crap on there. I had it for Sports, and I can get TONS more hockey games on FTA than I can with Dish, Direct, or any other satellite provider so I cancelled all my packages and kept the locals (for the cabin since we cant get anything OTA).

Lets put a different spin on it. A while back, they (admin) were going to ban ANY post that referenced Pansat, due to all the publicity about them as a hack box. We convinced them to allow us to because some people do have legit boxes (me one of them. Bought it at factory fresh and no modifications were done). There may be someone out there with a Dreambox that isnt a hack box...I have yet to find one on this board :)

**rant off**

I am sure there are guy's with receivers who you and Pete and others on this board would consider a "hack box" who do participate on this board. I have an Ultra and a 2500A, are you going to acuse me of being a hacker? Just because someone wants to invest in a box that has a faster microprocessor in it and that you have found no one on this board who has one does not mean squat. I am sure no one will discount your and others contributions to this forum, but it's your attitude. I have been thinking of upgrading to a Coolsat because it's the latest and the greatest in FTA receivers...yes it's 250.00 and very fast, and could be used for a hack box, just like your Pansat. Once again, am I a hacker because I want the best box out there???
PSB said:
Maybe Iceberg finds it HARD to believe that anyone would want to upgrade their receiver ($200) just to be able to change channels faster, thats what it is with me!

Just changed channel on a Fortec Lifetime Ultra and it took 2 seconds.......I can wait!

Just not worth the money! (IMO)

The faster processor not only allows the channels to change faster but more importantly the blind scan happens about 2/3 rd's faster as does the sat scans. If slow boxes are fine for you great. But please don't put someone down if they want to upgrade to a state-of-the-art box.
rayydio said:
I am sure there are guy's with receivers who you and Pete and others on this board would consider a "hack box" who do participate on this board.
Are there hackers on this board? There probably are. Do they come out and ask blatant hack questions? No because they would have their post deleted. Since virtually any box could probably have illegal software downloaded on it there are hackers out there.

I have an Ultra and a 2500A, are you going to acuse me of being a hacker?
I didn’t accuse you of being one…don’t put words in my mouth

Just because someone wants to invest in a box that has a faster microprocessor in it and that you have found no one on this board who has one does not mean squat.
The fact that everyone who has mentioned the word “Dreambox” in the year I’ve been here and the 9 months I’ve been a moderator of the FTA forum has been a hacker is good enough for me. There are probably oodles of hack sites out there. The fact when you register it says “we are not a hack site”, when you click on FTA section it says “No Hack Talk” and there is a sticky that says it, hopefully people get the hint. Some don’t. We want satelliteguys to turn into every other hack site. We as admin take pride in our site as one of the best for FTA info, and not have to weed through the crap.

I am sure no one will discount your and others contributions to this forum, but it's your attitude.
Sorry. This is how I am and this is how I’ve been for over a year now…I don’t condone hackers or hacking on the board. If someone is one and hides it, let them fall asleep in their own guilt that they are stealing service. I know I sleep well at night that we are doing a good job on this board weeding them out.

I have been thinking of upgrading to a Coolsat because it's the latest and the greatest in FTA receivers...yes it's 250.00 and very fast, and could be used for a hack box, just like your Pansat. Once again, am I a hacker because I want the best box out there???

If you want one, that’s great. Go ahead and buy one. I bought my Pansat because I wanted one that controls a motor and has a search feature. My old Viacast doesn’t. I had no clue that at the time it was the “pirates choice of receiver” and frankly I don’t care. I like my receiver just how it is and wouldn’t download a legal update, much less an illegal version. Go buy whatever receiver you want….just don’t come to Satelliteguys and ask hack questions. Because it isn’t tolerated here.
I did a blind search last nite on T-5 and it took almost 3 Hours. So if it takes a $300-$500 box to make it faster I'm in.
This is why I gave you permission to close my thread when I posed a question about the dreambox. I didn't want the thread to turn to hack talk. Remember:Curiosity killed the cat. The more this subject is discussed, the more curious other readers may get. I think you have a pretty good internal "hackdar" (that's a hack-talk radar) and you can smell hack talk a mile away :)

Edit or remove these comments if necessary:
The Dreambox is open source. It utilizes the Linux operating system kernel. Many computer idots who try to access secure information illegally via the Internet use a Linux-based computer system to accomplish their task. Does that mean all Linux-based computers are bad? Not at all. Some univeristies and businesses may use Linux as a cheap alternative to Microsoft products, and, unlike Unix, it's free.
So it seems logical that a majority of individuals looking to use a Dreambox may have alterior motives other than faster channel surfing. To keep this fourm from being shut down, I think it's best if we leave this topic alone, have a group hug and move on to more important topics suchs as TNA wrestling :D
questic said:
I did a blind search last nite on T-5 and it took almost 3 Hours. So if it takes a $300-$500 box to make it faster I'm in.


I can search T6 (which usually has the most TP's) in about 5-6 minutes
Some satellites I can do in under 5 minutes.
rjc3895 said:
This is why I gave you permission to close my thread when I posed a question about the dreambox. I didn't want the thread to turn to hack talk. Remember:Curiosity killed the cat. The more this subject is discussed, the more curious other readers may get. I think you have a pretty good internal "hackdar" (that's a hack-talk radar) and you can smell hack talk a mile away :)

I hope "hackdar" isn't copyrighted :) I like that word. It's true. I don't like to point the finger and say "you're a hacker" unless I have enough info to claim it.
Edit or remove these comments if necessary:
The Dreambox is open source. It utilizes the Linux operating system kernel. Many computer idots who try to access secure information illegally via the Internet use a Linux-based computer system to accomplish their task. Does that mean all Linux-based computers are bad? Not at all. Some univeristies and businesses may use Linux as a cheap alternative to Microsoft products, and, unlike Unix, it's free.
So it seems logical that a majority of individuals looking to use a Dreambox may have alterior motives other than faster channel surfing. To keep this fourm from being shut down, I think it's best if we leave this topic alone, have a group hug and move on to more important topics suchs as TNA wrestling :D
good analagy..I know any box could be set to download illegal software, but it has been my past experience that almost everyone that says "Dreambox" is a hacker. Is everyone who has one a hacker? probably not. If you want one for the speed on it, by all means go for it. If I had the funds to get another box with search capabilities (and a faster search) I probably would. I'd also like to get another motor so I can have 2 dishes motorized. Lack of funds stop me from doing this.

Then only reason this thread has dragged on pretty far is someone came on here and started questioning my "attitude" on here (not the OP...he made it clear that he isn't trying to hack) so I responded. I feel we have a great spot here at where we welcome all posters (well, most of them..:D) to ask their FTA questions. But it aggrevates me when there are THREE warnings about "no hack talk" and people still ask them.
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