Farthest tv station you have received?

well no go

climbed up there.....damn it was windy...and marked my mast on the VHF only antenna and tried....nothing....not a blip on the converter box

and checking the old FCC maps they had when the DTV conversion was going, I'm no where near the coverage area...maps for KEYC I'm about 20 miles outside the "normal edge"....KCCO its about 40 for sure.
well no go

climbed up there.....damn it was windy...and marked my mast on the VHF only antenna and tried....nothing....not a blip on the converter box

and checking the old FCC maps they had when the DTV conversion was going, I'm no where near the coverage area...maps for KEYC I'm about 20 miles outside the "normal edge"....KCCO its about 40 for sure.

:eek: I didn't mean to send you up on the roof. I woundn't want to see someone get hurt chasing down a distant station in bad weather

:hatsoff: Thanks for the report though! That KEYC at 72 miles is still great and shows how good that antenna is.
:eek: I didn't mean to send you up on the roof. I woundn't want to see someone get hurt chasing down a distant station in bad weather
ah no biggie. The wind had died down for a while and got plans this weekend so figured "what the heck"...until I got on top of the roof....then the wind really picked up
Aimed it NW and nothing on the converter box :( Tried KTTC 10 out of Rochester (which says tropo) and nothing either which I figured. Only VHF I grab is 9,11,12 (9 & 11 are Minneapolis..12 is KEYC)

:hatsoff: Thanks for the report though! That KEYC at 72 miles is still great and shows how good that antenna is.
yeah I'm very happy with the results of that antenna. :)
KOBR-DT 8.1 (8) with its tower 45 miles east of Roswell NM is the NBC affiliate for SE New Mexico and is able to be received with 2 edge reception in Carlsbad some 75 miles south 24/7.

It helps that their antenna is 533m (1,750ft.) above average terrain.
I wonder what some of the distant digital stations we could get if the FCC wasn't so damn idiotic with the VHF Hi power levels.
I believe Water helps reception. I lived on the coast back in the 1980's and received Boston UHF Stations at night . Great Reception and over 200 miles away.
Some of the ones further down the list like KCCO at -15 would be really impressive at 100 miles
well today I tried again...with a little better results

My buddy has a Zenith converter box that he doesnt need anymore so I grabbed it and tried it. Took the little TV and the converter box up and started aiming the VHF only antenna NW.....and there it was

a little yellow bar :)
too bad its in the "bad" category and jumping so bad so it wont log any channel :(

Then I realized that 7" TV I have something keeps interfering with signals when I aim the antenna. So I lugged the 13" tv up on the roof and got a solid bar but still in the "bad" so it wont log. The DTVPal converter box wont even log a signal at all on it.

oh well....reaimed it back at 12 and got 2 more points on the converter box (83 versus 81)
I have a hard time trying pick up Toledo people east of the county can get it but I can't. Has anyone ever heard of picking up digital signals on analog VHF? I was recieving WPTA and WISE out of Fort Wayne on Channel 8 on VHF analog? I had recorded it I called down to the tv station and said thats not possbile I said I know but I am recieving it.

Dan Rose
There are some analog translators out there. Here in Minnesota we have a bunch that relay the Minneapolis stations since the market is huge.

Example is near the cabin 120 miles north of Minneapolis. We're too far for the digital stations and there are analog transmitters that are run by co-ops and stuff
KSTP 5 ABC in Mpls we get on 16 analog
KARE 11 NBC is on analog 14
KQDS 21 Fox from Duluth we can get on analog 39

here is a list of the known translators here in MN. If they are bold or end with -D then they are digital. We even have a subchannel transmitted on an analog channel. The Red Lake Indian tribe has 6 analog stations that they own. One of which is channel 69 that is rebroadcasting WDIO-DT2 which is RTV.
Back some time during the mid 90"s I logged Channel 2 i Believe out of Boston in Sugar Grove IL. Was using an older winegard long periodic antenna. The furtheset digital Ive ever got was abc out of Dayton Ohio during some great hot summer tropo!! I regularly receive Milwaukee Wi and Quad Cities IL Iowa, Madison Wi and Rockford IL.
Back in the analog days. I could get stations from Norfolk, VA was WVBT Fox 43, I'm in Rhode Island. I got stations from Philly WSPG 57 and WPHL 17. A station from Salisbury MD was CBS 16. A few stations from Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Connecticut, New Jersey and New York. Not sure nowadays what you would pick up with digital. I don't have a outdoor antenna.
During one of those hot nasty summer days back in the 80's I was able to get philly 57 wgbs from CT with rabbit ears.I taped a promo for a movie the next night.The next day the signal was gone.
Last summer hot nasty days I was able to get all the NY channels.I had those for about 1 week using the uhf antenna in the attic.
I live on a hill here in Boston so even with rabbit ears I get 20-25 stations. I recently put up a bigger roof antenna and I get 47 yes 47 channels! Granted some are duplicates. The farthest one I get now(intermittently) is Vermont Public Television(VPT) ch. 33.1,.2,.3.4 that's about 200 miles from home! I think they broadcast out of Burlington,Vt. Unfortunately my rotor broke so I turn the unit manually now. It is nice to get all the RI, Southeastern Mass. and some NH channels for a different news perspective. Paul p.s. I don't know name/model # of antenna-it was given to me.
When I was a kid in the early 60s we could get channel 3 out of Philly after the local 3 went off the air. It's about 175 miles.
Update: Still manually turning antenna on roof so I turn it here and turn it there constantly doing rescans on two tvs. One tv I have a Insignia digital converter box(VERY strong signal finder) and tv2 built-in tuner. I recently p/u a snowy Analog ch. 2 on tv2. The ch. logo said CTV and that's Montreal-300+ miles from me. It went away cause I'm still playing. Paul
interestingly the really hot summer weather leads to me losinG the baltimore stations periodically and they are only 45 miles away. it may have been responsible for reception problems with one dc station as well though i don't have enough data to say that.
A few years ago I was able to receive these two TV stations in Green Bay, Wisconsin during a period of tropospheric progression:

* WJMN-TV 3 (CBS), Marquette, Michigan (a semi-satellite to Green Bay's very own WFRV-TV 5)
* WJFW-TV 12 (NBC), Rhinelander, Wisconsin (serving the Wausau Market)

The signal for these stations dropped not too long after they came in.

Homemade OTA antenna

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