How Christian-like! More proof that it all boils down to business. For those not on the story:
Two prominent Christian television networks are embroiled in a legal dispute with the country's only Christian-based satellite TV company. The flap could end with the pair being removed from a satellite TV giant.
A federal appeals court recently suspended a July 9 injunction that would have led to the immediate removal of the Southern Baptist Convention's FamilyNet and Daystar Television Network from Dish Network, which has approximately 9 million subscribers.
The action came after Dominion Sky Angel, a Christian organization licensed to operate a TV satellite, filed a lawsuit against Denver-based EchoStar Satellite, Dish Network's parent company, citing the company violated a 1996 contract forbidding it to air any Christian programming besides Sky Angel's.
Sky Angel uses the Dish Network satellite, but the company is independent and autonomous. Sky Angel president Bob Johnson said the exclusive contract with EchoStar also prohibits his company from airing anything but Christian programs.
JCTV is not currently offered by DISH Network.
But we have good news! You can sample JCTV on a shared channel with a network called " Educating Everyone." JCTV will air on channel 9413 Monday - Friday at 3:00PM Pacific Time to 5:00am Pacific Time and 24 hours on Saturdays.
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