MLB isn't in a "negotiating" mode for those who haven't been keeping tabs. Cable has to pay an inflated base price in order to contract for EI and the only reason it wasn't kept strictly D* exclusive is due to the potential for legal complications of the deal.
E* will not agree to carry MLB until such time as MLB will provide a package at a "reasonable" amount (no, a reasonable amount and requiring E* to carry it on their minimum tier doesn't count) and until MLB's business with D* stops dictating its business with E*. I don't blame Charlie one bit for not wanting to deal with MLB when D* is running the show behind the scenes. All MLB cares about is getting X number of dollars, and since D* was willing to pay a little more they went to bat for them. That's not a straightforward way of doing business (yeah yeah, let's not go there...)
For those who live and breath EI and won't stay anywhere that doesn't have it, see ya! You're in the minority. Only 10% maximum of any given subscriber base is there for sports. A multi-billion dollar company will not structure a business contract around 10% (unless you're WildBlue.)