External Hard Drive issue/question


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Aug 6, 2023
I purchased a 6tb sea gate external hard drive towards the end of June to free up space on my hopper 3 as it was at 96 percent capacity. I’ve moved a good bit, but also still have a good bit on the hopper 3 as I’ve recorded plenty and moved it to the EHD.In the past I’ve just purchased a 2 tb my book external and used that.

It has roughly 2653 GB available on it as I’ve moved quite a bit. I had recordings transferred from the last two years on it and I noticed today when I switched to the external hard drive 1 on other devices if I scroll down it isn’t showing all the recordings on the external. It stops at 7/14 and that’s the last icon shown when I know there are recordings before that date on the EHD and obviously they are on the EHD as it shows the percentage at 50 something percent.

Does anyone know how I can find/view/see my other recordings on the EHD or what is going on? I hadn’t noticed this until recently, but haven’t tried to scroll through until recently as well. I just assumed as was the case with my 1 or 2 TB WD mybook they all would be seen.

For an update:
I just transferred 15-20 recordings back to the hopper from the EHD, switched to the EHD, scrolled to the bottom of the EHD, and now it is going back to 7/2 instead of 7/14 so it is showing more. Again, I know the recordings are all there but it doesn’t want to show them all unless I do something like this.

I have a 4TB mybook I purchased as well that I suppose I could put recordings on so it shows everything, but I really don’t want to do that back and forth. The reason I purchased the 6TB was to have more than enough storage space for all my recordings and any future recordings to view and save them all so I wouldn’t have to switch between externals as I do/would with my older mybooks that were 1-2 TB. I’ve been with Dish since 2012 so plenty of recordings
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If I remember correctly there’s a 999 recording limit that a drive is able to display. The recordings are there you just can’t see them.

That would make sense as I knew/know they are there. Is there anyway to offset this? Is there a way to make a folder like you can/could on the hopper 3? I don’t think I’ve ever been able to make a folder on an EHD
I suppose that is one of the things you have to put up with when you insert large drives, 6tb, and fill it many smaller recordings. If you had 999 movies on it, no problem. Well, you probably wouldn't fit that many movies on the drive but you get the idea. The DISH software has room for 999 tiles and no more. The only resolution that I see is to use smaller drives in tandem. You can only look at one drive at a time. On a Hopper you can plug in as many as 3 drives, 2 back, 1 front, as long as you don't accumulate more than 7tb total. You then have the ability to select each one from the DVR page.
I suppose that is one of the things you have to put up with when you insert large drives, 6tb, and fill it many smaller recordings. If you had 999 movies on it, no problem. Well, you probably wouldn't fit that many movies on the drive but you get the idea. The DISH software has room for 999 tiles and no more. The only resolution that I see is to use smaller drives in tandem. You can only look at one drive at a time. On a Hopper you can plug in as many as 3 drives, 2 back, 1 front, as long as you don't accumulate more than 7tb total. You then have the ability to select each one from the DVR page.

I wish I had known this at the time and I wouldn’t have purchased a 6 tb sea gate and a 4 tb mybook. I would have just got two 3 tb my books or 3 2 tb my books. I was wondering why I couldn’t have my 6 and 4 plugged in at the same time. I am having to transfer from the 6 tb, back to the hopper, unplug, and then transfer to the 4 tb. It is very frustrating. When I originally purchased the 6 on June 28th it wouldn’t even format no matter even with assistance from dish technical support on the phone(who suggested I had a faulty drive, despite being a brand new one) and then I decided to update the hopper software myself which got it to work
I wish I had known this at the time and I wouldn’t have purchased a 6 tb sea gate and a 4 tb mybook. I would have just got two 3 tb my books or 3 2 tb my books. I was wondering why I couldn’t have my 6 and 4 plugged in at the same time. I am having to transfer from the 6 tb, back to the hopper, unplug, and then transfer to the 4 tb. It is very frustrating. When I originally purchased the 6 on June 28th it wouldn’t even format no matter even with assistance from dish technical support on the phone(who suggested I had a faulty drive, despite being a brand new one) and then I decided to update the hopper software myself which got it to work
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Except that MyDish page says nothing about a maximum of 999 files on an EHD. It would seem that it would be a good place to include that currently undocumented piece of info. That would be irritating to purchase a 6 or 7TB drive expecting to be able to fully populate it with content. After all, the MyDish page says "DISH lets you fill your external hard drive with entire seasons of your favorite shows, movies, sports and children's entertainment!"

I did a search of MyDish for "999"...zero hits.
Look in the post above you!!!
I knew about the 7tb limit, but I thought that pertained to one hard drive. Not multiple ones. That is also what I was told by the dish technical support team when we were attempting to get my hard drive to format on the 28th. They even documented in the notes for “future reference”/calls in to tell customers to update the system software manually as it may not be.
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Maybe you could have come here to ask before you pullers the trigger(s)?

Date when Dish stops broadcasting SD stations/data? Mar 2023?

Can't find SEC alternate channels.