External Hard Drive Archive Bug Thread

I know that this question may not be exactly on point for this thread, but the tread does seem to have a wide range. The question does involve an EHD.

IF I let my 211 format an EHD and then when I am through using the drive for dvr purposes, can I then use it for a computer. I know that I will lose everything on the drive, but there will be no programs on it.

If I connect the drive to a computer running XP Pro, will the computer see it and offer to format it, or will I have to take more steps? If so, what steps?

Thanks for any help.
Control panel/administrator/computer management/device management/storage...it will show unknown storage device, right click on the box and choose format.
I have read so many pages in this thread but there are so many posts so I hope no one minds if I just ask already......I have 4 Seagate Freeagent (black model from 2 years ago) external stand-up drives and they have worked beautifully. I have noticed that the recent models don't get the greatest reviews on the internet. Does anyone have these and are they still as reliable (the 1 TB model). If not the Seagate which has been the overall best that users here find the least trouble-some?

Also, what is the largest drive Dish will accept?

I know somewhere is another thread that is not a "bug" thread but a regular Dish external thread but can't find it, so I am posting this here.
The answers are in the threads. But just to make it easy for you:
Max size currently for 211 is 1TB (Dish-imposed limit today) as a DVR.
Max size currently for 622... is 2TB (reported, I have up to 1.5TB) for archiving.
The Seagate problem was that unless sleep is disabled (Windows software from Seagate say) the drive will doze off with inactivity and not wake up for your next session, requiring a power off of drive and possibly DVR? Ask if that will wear more on the drive.
Con: as drives get bigger, you venture more on no problems and accessing and keeping track of recordings may be harder.
Pro: more in one place may work for you and you have less drives if you have a lot of stuff.

Pet peeve: when the daily reboot comes, if you have an EHD, the 622... accesses it for 15 minute. Reason is unknown to me but started a version or two back. You can force a reboot or try disconnecting after it starts, your risk.
The answers are in the threads. But just to make it easy for you:
Max size currently for 211 is 1TB (Dish-imposed limit today) as a DVR.
Max size currently for 622... is 2TB (reported, I have up to 1.5TB) for archiving.
The Seagate problem was that unless sleep is disabled (Windows software from Seagate say) the drive will doze off with inactivity and not wake up for your next session, requiring a power off of drive and possibly DVR? Ask if that will wear more on the drive.
Con: as drives get bigger, you venture more on no problems and accessing and keeping track of recordings may be harder.
Pro: more in one place may work for you and you have less drives if you have a lot of stuff.

Pet peeve: when the daily reboot comes, if you have an EHD, the 622... accesses it for 15 minute. Reason is unknown to me but started a version or two back. You can force a reboot or try disconnecting after it starts, your risk.

Thanks for your response. I have 3 Seagate Freeagents (tghe black ones from a few years ago) and one freeagent pro 750gb. I leave them unplugged, and when I want to watch a movie on them plug it in, and of course it always registers. I figure this is less wear on the drive than it spinning all the time. I do have the software to disable to sleep mode which I have done. Does it wear more on the drive to turn it off and on than it does to keep it on?
Oh my. I can hear the screams and shouts now. Over 136 pages of problems to filter through. Oh my, some of us do have a life!!!

211k. On our 2nd EHD. First: Seagate. Quite recognizing it. Second. WHD 500 GB.

Has worked fine until today. Turned on the TV, error message appears, Illegal EHD connected. (Sorry, forgot to look @the error code number.)

EHD no longer recognized. Tried it all. Dish Tech online support. 800#support. No luck. 800#support say it is WD problem.

Don't know if it is or isn't @this point. EHD has worked fine since March 2010.

What's up. I do know the EHD is not spinning. When disconnecting power, and powering back up, it seems to click 3 or 4 times.

Walmart - ship to store pickup.

What to do next?
OS: Windows. On phone w/WD yesterday. Since EHD is still under warranty, they are sending a replacement and I will then return this dead one.

I say dead. Upon insertion of power cord, it just clicks 3 times and the harddrive does not spin.

Good thing the 622 @home is still recording the last of Saving Grace...
OS: Windows. On phone w/WD yesterday. Since EHD is still under warranty, they are sending a replacement and I will then return this dead one.

I say dead. Upon insertion of power cord, it just clicks 3 times and the harddrive does not spin.

Good thing the 622 @home is still recording the last of Saving Grace...

If it's not spinning and you herd no horrible noises (besides the click-click-click) good chance (bettern the 50%) it's the power brick. Hopefully the replacment will come with a new one. You might be able to get your programs back.

PS: Caution: You can try another brick if you can match up the OUTPUT voltage AND polarity on the bricks themselves. Polarity is identified by a picture of the tip with an indication of the outside/inside and +/-.
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