External Hard Drive Archive Bug Thread

Apologies if this has been addressed, I couldn't find it:

When I try to create a timer on my 622 to record to the external drive (from the Create Timer menu, far left, under Type I have 'DVR', 'Auto Tune', 'Reminder' and 'Ext'), I choose Ext but the 622 only tunes to the station and that's it. It doesn't record anything anywhere. When I check the recorded event history it shows:

Event completed by User 1
Start Time: X:XX
Stop Time X:XX

But nothing is recorded. I called tech support and the person had never heard of this problem and put in a request or whatever to have 'her guys' work on it. I did go through the menu to 'preferences', 'record plus' and 'ERD setup' to enable recordings to external device but nothing changed. I also tried single and dual user mode with the same results. I've had no other issues with the two WD ext drives I've used with this 622. Any ideas? Thanks to all.
Apologies if this has been addressed, I couldn't find it:

When I try to create a timer on my 622 to record to the external drive (from the Create Timer menu, far left, under Type I have 'DVR', 'Auto Tune', 'Reminder' and 'Ext'), I choose Ext but the 622 only tunes to the station and that's it. It doesn't record anything anywhere. When I check the recorded event history it shows:

Event completed by User 1
Start Time: X:XX
Stop Time X:XX

But nothing is recorded. I called tech support and the person had never heard of this problem and put in a request or whatever to have 'her guys' work on it. I did go through the menu to 'preferences', 'record plus' and 'ERD setup' to enable recordings to external device but nothing changed. I also tried single and dual user mode with the same results. I've had no other issues with the two WD ext drives I've used with this 622. Any ideas? Thanks to all.

Ext is for recording to other devices, not the EHD. That is not an option at this time on the 622 or 722
Wow. You'd think Dish's very own tech support would have known that. Thanks for the info.

Dish CSR's & or tech support seam to only know what the read on their Q cards.
They tell me wrong info all the time whenever I HAVE to call them.
Most of the time, I know more than they do.
No wonder Dish is failing in the CS department.
Good equipment but poor CSR's & tech support training.
Most of the ones I have dealt with act like they do not even have Dish at home for themselves.
Well, the USB My DVR Expander really works good so far, no issues. I think one thing I like about the Dish method of "archiving" is it should extend the EHD life. Its not constantly getting used for buffering and recording, and this WD drive seems to put itself to sleep when not in use.

Very happy so far, just wish they would improve the menu a bit and allow a little faster transfer.
I am using the Thermaltake BlacX USB hard drive enclosure that allows quick swapping (when powered off) of standard internal SATA drives that are less expensive, and am still quite happy with it - it works at least as well as the better USB external drives.

For future reference of those who are searching the threads, I just put a new Hitachi 1TB drive into the enclosure and the 622 formatted it without problems and reports "930.3 GB". Currently transferring a couple of things, and seems to be working just like other drives. Hitachi 1TB drives can be found for $75-$85.

Also, for future reference, I tried two 640gb drives and in both cases, they ended up 90gb or so in the "space left" count when I coud not fit anything more. This implies that 640gb may not be properly supported and that they possibly are treated as 500gb drives.
I haven't looked at this page for a long time but I thought I would mention this good experience..

This past weekend I moved 58 episodes of Hogans Heroes recorded from HDNet and all at once! It all went well. It took about 8 hours to move from a ViP722 to a WD My Book 750 GHz EHD. It all comes up looking like a file of the episodes but unlike when it was on the 722, you can see all of my other recordings (before and after) when the file is opened.

I also have a ViP211 with an EHD married to that and all is well with many recordings on both. More than half full on both EHD's.

Am I doing something right? :p
FYI - we have noticed 855/857 error messages with numerious Seagate products. Although resetting it does correct the problem, a TPR issued by Dish Network tech support can correct the problem (if properly filled out). Also, Western Digital makes an external hard drive called, "My DVR Expander". At 500g and under $149, this external hard drive has the lowest fail rate amongst external hard drives we test (7.2%). Western Digital worked diligently with us on the release of this product. Check it out for yourself.
Dr. Dish: Are you a Dish Employee? Engineer? You may not want to answer (I believe you have rules about posting to the newsgroups).

What's a TPR?

How about adding a feature to allow us to run an e2fsck on the external drive. It would be nice if it tells us if it finds and corrects any errors. I've been doing this with a linux pc. My problem drives often show issues. Another brand of enclosure never shows any errors.

Request 2: When playback ends, let us delete the show without having to go through the list.

I can confirm the dvr expander line seems to be good. The esata version was great with my TiVo, and I have to wonder if they dont use the hdd versions that are built for DVR's and hard duty.
FYI - we have noticed 855/857 error messages with numerious Seagate products. Although resetting it does correct the problem, a TPR issued by Dish Network tech support can correct the problem (if properly filled out). Also, Western Digital makes an external hard drive called, "My DVR Expander". At 500g and under $149, this external hard drive has the lowest fail rate amongst external hard drives we test (7.2%). Western Digital worked diligently with us on the release of this product. Check it out for yourself.
Overpriced. Triple price. :(
The DVR Expander on Amazon is barely over $100, which I think is a good price. Sometimes, while buying an internal drive with ext case, you end up with something unreliable. Not always, but sometimes.
I have look everywhere Got a question?

We had 41 recordings on our external hard drive and today we only show 34 recordings. What happened to the 7 missing recordings. No one deleted any and we do not record anything with a time limit. Any there is plenty storage left on the hard drive:?
Do these have the same title, perchance? They would then be put in a common folder and the count might seem smaller. I have about 1300 recordings and keep track of them. None are missing or have gone missing--that I know of.
I have look everywhere Got a question? Answer

Do these have the same title, perchance? They would then be put in a common folder and the count might seem smaller. I have about 1300 recordings and keep track of them. None are missing or have gone missing--that I know of.

I don't know what was going on, but the movies are back on the list now. Is there software that optimizes the hard drive from time to time. Maybe just a one time glitch.