A co-worker upgraded his Dish account last weekend. His install was not the most helpful or informative so he was asking me about what he found when the installer took off.
He has a 722 hooked up in dual mode to use with a regular tv in another room upstairs. The primary TV is in the basement and works fine. The UHF remote was behaving somewhat spotty upstairs so looked at the setup and then looked in his manual and things didn't look right. He said he didn't seem to have the remote antenna hooked up and didn't have one left behind by the installer. He contacted Dish and got an antenna in the mail. When he went to go hook it up, what he did notice was that a wire was hooked to the connection so he tracked that around the room to the remote antenna hooked to the end of this wire. He moved the antenna/wire to another location and now the UHF remote for TV2 works fine.
Has anyone seen or heard of this being necessary?
My receiver picks up the UHF remote from anywhere in my house and I thought the antenna was so sensitive you sometimes picked up neighbor remotes on the same frequency.
He is fine with the wire/extension since it works but I would think it is attenuating the signal or at least completely unnecessary.
Is there a need for an antenna extension?
He has a 722 hooked up in dual mode to use with a regular tv in another room upstairs. The primary TV is in the basement and works fine. The UHF remote was behaving somewhat spotty upstairs so looked at the setup and then looked in his manual and things didn't look right. He said he didn't seem to have the remote antenna hooked up and didn't have one left behind by the installer. He contacted Dish and got an antenna in the mail. When he went to go hook it up, what he did notice was that a wire was hooked to the connection so he tracked that around the room to the remote antenna hooked to the end of this wire. He moved the antenna/wire to another location and now the UHF remote for TV2 works fine.
Has anyone seen or heard of this being necessary?
My receiver picks up the UHF remote from anywhere in my house and I thought the antenna was so sensitive you sometimes picked up neighbor remotes on the same frequency.
He is fine with the wire/extension since it works but I would think it is attenuating the signal or at least completely unnecessary.
Is there a need for an antenna extension?