Yeah, they're definitely going overboard on I don't care how buggy the robot acts, it is full speed ahead with our plan to take over the world.
I'll probably watch for the HB effect !
And she not bad to look at either!I'll keep watching , it is summer and there is nothing but slim pickings anyway.
I'll keep watching , it is summer and there is nothing but slim pickings anyway.
Not exactly a bad idea with a look at any news story.I am following the story and it makes sense to me. The title is called EXTANT or EXTINCT in our case. IF the Aliens continue to mate with earth women and their dna from the baby changes the mother to a hybrid, that means we will be literally be F*cked out of existence. They will keep breeding at a terrific rate , and in like 6 months and they rule the earth. So like the Battle Star Galactica plot ender, the humans and cyclons breed together and formed what we became today on earth. SO the plot of this show will be either war between humans and their proxy the humantics and the hybrids or we will coexist with the aliens, till we humans dies out and they become the supreme race or the new earthlings.
So the plot or idea is that the hybrids replace the human beings ?
That idea doesn´t sound new to me.
It reminds me of something I´ve been researching on, if you´re interested in that idea and let´s say bring it out of the sci-fi field into the possibility of something real, I´d recommend a book by Dr. Jacobs - The Threat.
Surely, it's not about the human race being replaced by robots or hybrids?
Not exactly a bad idea with a look at any news story.
I for one hope there is a better human species in the future. As I can't picture the current one being welcome in the galactic community.
We always assume that the galactic community is smarter and more advanced then we are. What if they aren't and WE are the more advanced and smarter? What if they are nothing but a savage group of cannibals still running around in fur loin clothes? Imagine the reception we would get if we ever landed on one of their planets?
Reminds me of that classic episode of the Twilight Zone: "To Serve Man." The 9 feet tall aliens with huge craniums land on our planet , give us great technology to protect us from each other from war,like force fields and teach us to grow enough food to solve all our starvation problems. Humans start flying on the alien spaceships to go to the aliens planets for tourism. Then the U.S. cryptologists finally decipher the alien book left by the aliens. The female cryptologist tell her co worker from the ground , only after the lead cryptologist makes it on the gang plank and can't get off the ship. The book title "To Serve Man"... It's a cookbook! Then the alien shuts the guy up in the ship and he won't eat his food while he flying to the planet. The aliens keep saying to him :"You haven't eaten your food Mr. Johnson, your losing weight..." So don't assume that the aliens wouldn't do the same thing to us if we ever had them land on our planet. We could just be cattle for them to slaughter and eat.![]()