EXCLUSIVE: AT&T HomeZone First Look

GaryPen said:
AT&T is rolling the service out slowly and offers it in only two other markets, San Antonio and Ohio. AT&T plans to launch the service to all its customers in the fall, said Daniel Fishlow, director of video services marketing for AT&T.


just an update, the homezone was featured in the september issue of the at&t provided enertainment & communications catalog. so it apears we should hear something soon about at&T rolling it out to all at&t served markets
RIRWIN1983 said:
just an update, the homezone was featured in the september issue of the at&t provided enertainment & communications catalog. so it apears we should hear something soon about at&T rolling it out to all at&t served markets

Yeap, I saw that too. They have also been advertising the 622 for E* for a while now but everytime I call they tell me it's not available for AT&T customers, go figure.
Digital Dude said:
Rollout January, they said it would output HD to 2 TV's with seperate tuners, not just HD to one, I have my doubts but thats what 2wire said.
Unless there is a redesign from the current 622 based HZ receiver I wouldn't necessarily pbuy stock in that statement.

he 250 gig HD will be partitioned so the Video side won't have the full 250 Megs.

They talked about other things and ran overtime so the Homezone was short. I'll check my notes later, I'm late for a party.
You never followed up, so I thought I'd nudge you a little.

1. What else did your notes say? Anything in addition to what you posted?
2. When you say the 250GB drive is partitioned, do you mean that some is reserved for OS, Home Media storage, VOD, etc? Any word on external hdd expandability?
3. Does "Rollout January" mean it is going widespread in January? Or, are you referring only to the HD version, with the SD version hitting broad markets before then?
4. Outputting HD to TV2 is possible using the internal RF modulator, if it's sw-upgradable to ATSC. Perhaps it is, and that's what they meant? Or, perhaps they will be upgrading the RF modulator HW to do this?
5. What did you mean by the HZ being 622-based? That is the first I've heard of it. The HZ, under the name of Media Portal, has been around in the prototype stages for years now. The 622 is much more recent, and looks nothing like the HZ in physical appearance (including connections), on-screen appearance, and/or operability. Where did you hear that it's 622-based?
I noticed HomeZone on ATT's website now. But, it show's it's limited to new customers. I can't wait until it's rolled out to all ATT customers as it's features look neat - being able to schedule shows from the web!!
ATT and Dish make a perfect pair, judging from my first experience simply inquiring to see if HZ is available in my area.

I call the number on the HZ web page that is specifically for California. After waiting on hold for a while, the rep comes on, asks for my phone number, and proceeeds to tell me that office doesn't handle California. So, he transfers me to the office that does.

I wait on hold. They tell me they don't handle HomeZone, and transfers me to the office that does.

I wait on hold for a while, and they tell me they don't handle California. (They've gotta be f-ing kidding. But, unfortunately not.) She's very nice, and actually takes a while to look through her directory for California Homezone, offers to check first before transferring me (nice), confirms it's the right number, and transfers me.

The new rep gets on the line, introduces himself and HANGS UP.

I've decided to wait until tomorrow to call back.
No, that person wasn't knowledgeable at all and from fist minute of our conversation proposed CC check and said only DVR625 is available; after pointing to the URL above, he did reading to me that quick guide from SBC's site :( and finally brought firm requirement for the deal: AT120 or AT180 or AEP - that's all your choices.
GaryPen said:
ATT and Dish make a perfect pair, judging from my first experience simply inquiring to see if HZ is available in my area.

I call the number on the HZ web page that is specifically for California. After waiting on hold for a while, the rep comes on, asks for my phone number, and proceeeds to tell me that office doesn't handle California. So, he transfers me to the office that does.

I wait on hold. They tell me they don't handle HomeZone, and transfers me to the office that does.

I wait on hold for a while, and they tell me they don't handle California. (They've gotta be f-ing kidding. But, unfortunately not.) She's very nice, and actually takes a while to look through her directory for California Homezone, offers to check first before transferring me (nice), confirms it's the right number, and transfers me.

The new rep gets on the line, introduces himself and HANGS UP.

i got the same thing when i called for the ohio number, so ovioiusly they havent traied everyone yet, or they posted a generic number for each region

I've decided to wait until tomorrow to call back.

i got the same issues when i called the ohio number too
DirtyTurbin said:
Try these numbers:
Southwest (AR, KS, MO, OK, TX): 1-800-671-1181
Midwest (IL, IN, MI, OH, WI): 1-800-746-6555
West (CA, NV): 1-800-223-4084

I think those are the same numbers Gary and others called. They are the same numbers found in the link.
DirtyTurbin said:
Try these numbers:
Southwest (AR, KS, MO, OK, TX): 1-800-671-1181
Midwest (IL, IN, MI, OH, WI): 1-800-746-6555
West (CA, NV): 1-800-223-4084
Did you bother to read last posts where we discuss the wrong phone you'd reposted from SBC site ?
Look at #227 first.
No HD!

Try these numbers:
Southwest (AR, KS, MO, OK, TX): 1-800-671-1181
Midwest (IL, IN, MI, OH, WI): 1-800-746-6555
West (CA, NV): 1-800-223-4084

Why bother though, no HD until next year...i'll pass until then. Horrible though, AT&T should advertise that fact a little better on the website...i caught one mention of it in the quick install guide on there website and that's it.

2wire announcement lays it out though...


[Future enhancements to the Homezone product will include a High Definition version of the receiver, as well as great new music and video content from content providers Yahoo! and Akimbo. And customers will be able to eventually program their DVR and use other "remote access" features through their Cingular wireless phone.]

A HomeZone HD model was fully developed, completed, priced and set for release this year, but it wasn't up to the technological standard right now and so the model was scrapped and back to the drawing board.