ex-voomer complaint


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Feb 25, 2005
Point of Rocks, MD
In my opinion, V* service and equipment sucks. I decided to leave D* and switch to them because of the HD. Prior I was using an OTA to pick up 2 local channels, sometimes a 3rd. The quality with V* was nice, but the HD channels were the same after about 3 days. They do not provide local channels though w/o OTA though. I really didn't care about that, but looking back I realized I should not have gone through with it from my initial contact.

I called the 800 # to get service and gave the CS rep my info. I told him D* intalled my antenna on my roof no problem/ no charge and CS told me they could too. Installer would call me 1-2 days prior to confirm time/date. Evening before install I still had not heard from them so I called and was told I would have to pay $60 for roof install. I told them CS said I would not be charged, but since I had already taken time off for install (the reps in MD only install M-F 8-5pm) I went ahead with plan. Rep came out, D* came off the roof and V* went up. When installer installed the box, he said wait 30 min for download and all should be well, boxes can be temperamental if d/l does not go through. I left the boxes on for 2 hrs to be sure and all was good. Next day box 1 channels were mixed up (ESPN on CNN, MTV on MAX) so I called, waited about 5 min and spent about 30 min unplugging boxes, checking connections, going through reboots to finally fix the issue. Exactly 1 week later, Box 2 has access card problems. I unplug to reboot and nothing so I call V* AGAIN. Wait another 10 min on hold, go thorough same thing I did with other box for 30 min then told box issue. I have to take time off again after having box for 1 week to replace box. At that time I said cancel because if I have to keep calling and changing my schedule, it's not worth my time or me paying you. They told me about $250 cancel fee pre 6mos so I said they did not provide quality service I should not have to pay. After many email and calls wanting to talk to someone about this matter, I have not received a call back from anybody there about the fee. Since then they have done software upgrades and along with the upgrades, boxes have had to be unplugged so they work right or work at all. I have now gone back to D* with dish back up and EXTREMELY HAPPY !!! P.S. I'm also posting this to to the D*Forum under D* vs V*.
Um...ok. Enjoy Direct.
But just out of curiosity, what changed with D* that you went from dumping them to being "EXTREMELY HAPPY !!!"? :confused:
It is these types of installations that are my one big gripe with Voom. I love the PQ, the channel line up is okay, but there is a lot to be desired in the install department (TYORK being the exception, she does a fantastic job).
The installer in this story did the same thing my installer did, and that is leave the customer's house before the install was complete. By complete I mean before the receivers were finished with their downloads and making sure programing was viewable on all the receivers.
I install for D* and if I were to leave a jobsite without making sure the receivers were fully programed I'd be deep you know what with the boss.
Voom needs to get these installtion problems fixed and get some reliable people on the job quick. The nightmare installs stories far outweigh the good install stories, just imagine how many more subs there would be now if the installs had been done better and the nightmare stories had been fewer.
Another first time poster (same post on both Voom and D*) announcing his decision to quit. And saying that the equipment and the service su.. (you know what). Call me hard-hearted, but I don't have any sympathy. New subs need to do their homework and they should work with the installer. Did this guy NOT sign the acceptance form after the installer gave it to him to sign?

Anyway, he says he is now extremely happy. Good. Go be happy watching D* and report all the great viewing experiences on the D* forum.

We are so Sorry you had a bad experience but as a new Voomer i am very happy with there PQ it is better then the rest i hope your are happy with the crappy Channel Lineup DirectTv has and i forgot there HD lineup sucks. :D
Other than HD PQ, what else can you give me that's great about Voom?

The picture quality is great on an HDTV, I do agree there. Customer service and being able to back up your product is also part of what you are paying for. If you can only do part of the job, why do it at all?? BTW, reading the guide was difficult on a standard 26" TV. Pic great, but guide sucked.

Only reason I switched to V* was because of the HD channels and I didn't want to pay outright to get the HD Receiver through Direct.

Yes, I did post the same to both, but that's because in fairness, I should be able to hear (and let others know) what I or they have experienced and the same thing was going to be said in either forum.

I did look up channel lineup, quality, service, and pricing, but I guess I did not go as in depth as I should have. From not being told complete information at the sales level to having equipment that really isn't reliable (c'mon, you shouldn't have to unplug all of your boxes after an upgrade), Voom isn't worth the headache and well worth paying to buy HD Receiver from Direct (as I now know).

All companies have issues at startup as I'm sure Direct and Dish had at first. Heck I remember Super TV when they shared a local channel and scrambled the signal after 6pm. But the point is they should let the consumer know of issues or problems that they are aware of before making the sale first.
Rick4464 said:
Other than HD PQ, what else can you give me that's great about Voom?

The picture quality is great on an HDTV, I do agree there. Customer service and being able to back up your product is also part of what you are paying for. If you can only do part of the job, why do it at all?? BTW, reading the guide was difficult on a standard 26" TV. Pic great, but guide sucked.

Only reason I switched to V* was because of the HD channels and I didn't want to pay outright to get the HD Receiver through Direct.

Yes, I did post the same to both, but that's because in fairness, I should be able to hear (and let others know) what I or they have experienced and the same thing was going to be said in either forum.

I did look up channel lineup, quality, service, and pricing, but I guess I did not go as in depth as I should have. From not being told complete information at the sales level to having equipment that really isn't reliable (c'mon, you shouldn't have to unplug all of your boxes after an upgrade), Voom isn't worth the headache and well worth paying to buy HD Receiver from Direct (as I now know).

All companies have issues at startup as I'm sure Direct and Dish had at first. Heck I remember Super TV when they shared a local channel and scrambled the signal after 6pm. But the point is they should let the consumer know of issues or problems that they are aware of before making the sale first.

First, let me say that everyone needs to do what they feel is best for their situtation. After all it's your money, so whatever makes you feel the happiest for your dollar.

I like Voom because of the great HD, and also because the SD is better than anything I ever got from Dish and at least as good as cable.

I switched to Voom because I my Dish mover install was cancelled 5 times with no guaranty of ever being installed in the near future, and they'd already had a ton of my money for 2 months, plus they wanted to charge me way too much for a second HD receiver. With Voom I got 3 receivers and install for $1.

* On my 27" SD set, I have no problem with the guide being clear.
* My customer service experiences with Voom have mostly been positive. Unlike many of my experiences with Dish and cable.
* The receivers have given me no more problem than Dish ever did. I've never had to unplug Voom's receivers, but I had to with Dish occassionally. On Voom I sometimes have to reset, with Dish I regularly had to pull my access card out and re-insert it.
* I get more HD than with Dish or the cable company, and at a price that is in the same range as both. I miss a few SD channels, but with all the HD, I only watch a few favorites now anyway.


Voom at Sears - UGH!!!

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