My Review as a Customer!
I have to say that, other than the fact that I have a hard time with a few of the Galaxy 25 channels (of which all but one are foreign anyways), I am very happy with my system. I have posted questions here on the Glorystar Forum and Glorystar1 is always quick to get me an answer. Not bad seeing I didn't even have to call actual customer service to get a satisfactory answer, I just posted here.
The AMC 4 channels are crystal clear and, onm Galaxy 25: the TBN channels, God's Learning Channel, and Daystar (usually), are pretty clear except when it rains real hard (would a cover help this???).
The equipment was easy to use and the installation was not bad, especially since I am about as mechanically inclined as a headless car mechanic. I think the problems on Galaxy 25 may just be transponder power issues, for the channels that moved over to AMC 4 worked great, AND some of the channels on Galaxy 25 do work fine.
If Glorystar could get the rest of the channels that Skyangel has (or had), Glorystar would be the perfect choice. As I said before, I woul love to see everything go on AMC4 (although it probably is not practical), or a have Galaxy 25 replaced with a more powerful bird. The monoblock which is currently being worked on would be great too, since I have two receivers here, or if all the channels did fo to AMC4, the monoblock would not really be needed since we all have two LNBFs already anyways.
Overall, aside from my brief rant, I am happy with Glorystar and am looking forward to Safe TV coming, as well as future channels. I did program in The Spirit Channel and the two The Christan Channel stations. If they could land TLC, Familyland, Liberty Channel, and somehow find a way to get GTN up on Ku (in an affordable way for them so they would consider it), and Voice of Jerusalem (radio channel) this would be platinum. Spirit TV and TVU would not be bad too.
If Skyangel was smart, they would get Ku capability and shoot Angel 1 & 2 and KTV onto Glorystar as well.
Hats off to Glorystar!
: I definately made the right choice!