EVERY weekend about this time, ME and THIStv vanish like clockwork! Crazy...

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Ok. When I got home this evening I took another look at Galaxy 16 and saw that the carrier on 3971V was gone. This could be the source of your problem. Due to the strong transponders on AMC1 I'm gonna bet that you have to bump your dish more towards G16 in order to receive signal from SES1 and when this mystery carrier fires up on G16, bam your signal disappears. I'll try and check again tomorrow and scan it if it's present and see if I can identify it. Probably some sort of occasional feed.
What's frustrating on my end is you have been given the solution but don't want to accept it. A larger dish=more gain=better rejection of adjacent signals=solid reception.

Who said I or others wouldn't accept it? I just don't yet have all the information to decide if a larger dish is for sure the ONLY answer. There's no reason to immediately throw the old "you need a bigger dish" answer at people. It may or may not be true. I agree that a bigger dish may be better, it's just as I said above, not everybody can put up a bigger dish that easily. If it has to happen so be it, but I want to make sure before then.

So far with your post above (thanks!) you most likely have nailed it, but until we got that info we were shooting in the dark as to the exact reason ME vanished at times. Kinda odd that they also did this before they moved to this sat though... I don't have issues with anything else in the arc, so that's odd.

P.S. When you scan it, check about 4:45pm Eastern time, through to 5pm. They usually are fine until just 4:55pm, and then vanish right about then. If that other transponder fires up right then, then I'd agree that's it.
Thanks for the info Shopman and others!I also understand that i will not get everything out there from a 6 footer but its ok with me.The best location for me is on one of my decks near the house and i know that anything larger will break peace in the family:).
I've seen the same issues with 101w MeTv as others have described on my 10ft Unimesh. All other transponders on the satellite still have strong signals. The quality on this signal has always had a tendency to vary considerably even when it stays at a viewable level. I record KDEV for viewing the next day because of the issues with 101w.
I've seen the same issues with 101w MeTv as others have described on my 10ft Unimesh. All other transponders on the satellite still have strong signals. The quality on this signal has always had a tendency to vary considerably even when it stays at a viewable level. I record KDEV for viewing the next day because of the issues with 101w.
Thanks! looks like size of dish isnt the issue here.
Several years ago my mother's C-band system would lose specific channels everyday in the late afternoon. She lived in a rural area that was down in a valley with no cell towers or any other microwave sources.

Replaced the LNB thinking it was LO drift and connectors, yet the outages continued. Finally narrowed it down to a failing transformer on a power power several blocks away. When the local dairy farm fired up the milking parlor, the transformer would start spewing RF. Once the transformer was replaced, the C-band system no longer had the outages.

I have also seen microwave ovens, cellular phones and baby monitors interfere with satellite reception.

I agree that the outage is likely due to adjacent satellite interference, satellite movement in the box (note that this can affect uplink as well as downlink) and misaimed dishes. If this SCPC signal is dropping slightly during this time, the adjacent satellite noise threshold ratio could wipe out the reception.

Could be something as simple as using a large uplink dish and the satellite wanders to the edge of the box on the edge of the uplink beam causing the signal to drop and not having the automatic gain circuitry operational on the satellite for this frequency. Larger receiving dishes would not be affected as they have a better threshold margin, while a smaller dish does not provide this luxury.

Point of my post is that there are signal losses due to many factors and it could be a source or result of something that you might never expect!
I am also experienceing signal breakup in the late afternoons starting around 3-4 pm. I am in Oklahoma and have a 10' dish. Later in the night and in the morning and early afternoon perfect picture no breakup. Hopefully we can get this figured out and let METV know about it so they can make adjustments.
Thanks! looks like size of dish isnt the issue here.

It would probably be more accurate to say: "looks like size of dish (may NOT be) the (only) issue here.

He's located about 130 miles from me, and is still in the slightly lower EIRP of the beam for this satellite. Who's to also say how well his system is tuned, etc, etc?

I'd agree that all things being equal, a larger dish has a tighter beam width, and should be able to lock in and hold on to a signal better than your average 6 foot dish. I just want to make sure that my dish is dialed in well enough to be working at as close to 100% of it's capability that I can get it.

I'd think the MEtv engineers would like to know this info, but I'd be leery of telling them that we are watching it just in case they are not agreeable, and then scramble the channel.
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I dont know what the average size dish the tv stations use but they havent seem to be loosing MeTvs signals like we do unless they have and i dont know about it.We do have a station here that carries it on cable and havent seen any issues with that station.
I'd think the MEtv engineers would like to know this info, but I'd be leery of telling them that we are watching it just in case they are not agreeable, and then scramble the channel.

This is what I'm thinking as well. I tend to think when HBO finally decided to not let 4dtvers sub their channels anymore, a lot of it had to do with the fact many were always complaining about their signal, and how they were having difficulties with it via their BUDs. I can't say that was one of the reasons, but I can see it being one of the reasons nonetheless. So, if some starts complaining to METV about it's sgnals, when clearly not everyone is having problems with their signals to begin with, it would probably be just a matter of time, instead of dealing with all the headaches of backyard dish owners, they'll just scamble the signal instead, thus no more headaches for them..
This is what I'm thinking as well. I tend to think when HBO finally decided to not let 4dtvers sub their channels anymore, a lot of it had to do with the fact many were always complaining about their signal, and how they were having difficulties with it via their BUDs. I can't say that was one of the reasons, but I can see it being one of the reasons nonetheless. So, if some starts complaining to METV about it's sgnals, when clearly not everyone is having problems with their signals to begin with, it would probably be just a matter of time, instead of dealing with all the headaches of backyard dish owners, they'll just scamble the signal instead, thus no more headaches for them..

Agreed!! Lets keep this issue to ourselfs and hope for the best.If your local tv station carries it and problems show up there then its ok to let them know of it.
It would probably be more accurate to say: "looks like size of dish (may NOT be) the (only) issue here.

He's located about 130 miles from me, and is still in the slightly lower EIRP of the beam for this satellite. Who's to also say how well his system is tuned, etc, etc?

I think my dish is pretty well tweaked. I have at least one strong transponder on every sat from 55.5w to 137w with the exception of 61w where all the signals tend to be pretty weak.
Did some more checking this weekend and saw that the feed on 99W is back. MicroHD scans it at 3981V 26670. It's a nice, wide and powerful 36mhz transponder. No need to contact MEtv as there's nothing wrong with their equipment. Invest in a dish that's of the proper size for reliable C band reception and your problem will be solved.
Did some more checking this weekend and saw that the feed on 99W is back. MicroHD scans it at 3981V 26670. It's a nice, wide and powerful 36mhz transponder. No need to contact MEtv as there's nothing wrong with their equipment. Invest in a dish that's of the proper size for reliable C band reception and your problem will be solved.

Bummer, sounds like that nails it. Too bad they happen to be sitting on that frequency. Looks like this really is a case of needing a larger dish that's installed and tweaked properly.
Lost MeTv again sat night! anyone else??Bigger dish out of the Question here so living with it.For now when i lose MeTv on 101 i go to 119 and tape what i missed (to late to watch some shows with 2 hr time diff).
Didn't notice it this weekend but it's on the low side this afternoon. MeTv is at %50 and This TV is at 65% quality on the micro HD.
Well, I went over to the 'dark side' and found a "Perfect-10" brand 10 foot dish and 24" Venture ball-screw actuator 35 miles away and picked it up for $100. Good deal as the actuator alone goes for $250. I have it installed now about 95% done, just has to be peaked and locked down tighter all around a bit more. It's been raining off and on hard since last Wednesday, and with my 12 hour shifts Sat and Sun, I haven't had enough clear time to get it all done completely. I haven't lost the METV signal since I first installed it. No more fade-outs. It's sitting at a steady 71% level, NO fluctuation at all. I'm also getting all the RTV stuff on 87W at 85%, including both S2 muxes. I'm amazed how much better the 10 footer is than the 6 footer, even without being perfectly peaked so far.

One downside, I have to move my seperate KU dish now, as it fit fine next to the 6 foot dish, but the 10 foot dish shadows it a bit too close. Since that dish is on a diseqc motor, and the MicroHD moves it sometimes just switching channels, I'd never trust the dishes wouldn't eventually crash together. So, that has to be moved about 5 - 10 feet further over.
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Me-TV The Deadly Mantis tonight


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