Ethernet port active on 622!!!

thanks King as that helps a lot knowing you have no issues and halo 3 is so going to take up my life pretty soon with 4 player coop

I also am all over the slingbox as I work in a different room than my 200lb HDTV so all I can do is listen
I just would rather have the video on my PC or laptop and it seems for a very long time I had the ability but just never got a slingbox

and I have two 360s, lol

I use one in the bedroom and I stream avi files through it nightly to watch videos off of any of my puters. Most don't know just what that media extender can do with a Window Media center 2005 in your network :)
I use transcode 360 and now I can stream on the fly avi files
Normally you can just do wmv or mpeg files through the xbox 360 but the transcode program works great

Can you run another cable from the 622 and the router? You should have an open port if as you described.

I certainly CAN do that, but it would consist of me drilling a new hole through the office floor into the garage..pulling the wires alongside the I-Beam into the laundry room from the garage and then coming back up into the living room floor (drilling another hole up/down into the floor). It is like maybe a 75 foot stretch when you do the curves and such. I just thought maybe it would be "cleaner" to figure out a scenario wired/wireless because I know probably in a few years I'll be moving to a flat ranch house because of my health conditions. If there is ABSOLUTELY no alternatives, then I'll be glad to run the cable.
I have a question. How do I go about with having a hard-wired router? I truly can not go to wireless router because I have a very specific video conferencing hardware that DOES NOT work at all or very well on wireless. In my mind, I think I will need to buy some kinda wireless adapter sender(?) and a bridge at the other end. Could any one help point me in that direction? Recommendations? My hard-wired router is nothing fancy...just a cute D-Link 604. It works great for my 2 computers and my video conference. Do not wish to upgrade something that works like a beaut.

Help? Suggestions?

Also, what about older receivers other than 622's for the ethernet port?
what about this ? NETGEAR Powerline Networking
it uses the power lines which is not exactly new, but would allow you to do a wired connection.

I saw it in staples today but cant find it at saw used on amazon for 23.99.
hope that helps

I also am all over the slingbox as I work in a different room than my 200lb HDTV so all I can do is listen
I just would rather have the video on my PC or laptop and it seems for a very long time I had the ability but just never got a slingbox.

and I have two 360s, lol

We got 1 XBOX about 6 months after they came out. The second one I got at a pawn shop for $50 because the CD drawer wouldn't come out. I fixed it in about 5 minutes :)

OfficeMax had the Linksys 5-port hub for $20 after rebate plus 15% off using a promotional paper bag. But I needed the 16. Have to order it. Tiger - if you are worried about the switch slowing games down, read the 2nd review of the Dlink here: - D-Link DSS-16+ 10/20/100/200Mbps Desktop Switch 16 x RJ45 8K MAC Address Table 160KB Buffer Memory - Retail if it will handle his lan party your little switch should be OK.

Over the home network you won't have any issues with the Slingbox. It will run at whatever speed your home network runs. I watch the Sling on my laptop over wireless all the time.
I certainly CAN do that, but it would consist of me drilling a new hole through the office floor into the garage..pulling the wires alongside the I-Beam into the laundry room from the garage and then coming back up into the living room floor (drilling another hole up/down into the floor). It is like maybe a 75 foot stretch when you do the curves and such. I just thought maybe it would be "cleaner" to figure out a scenario wired/wireless because I know probably in a few years I'll be moving to a flat ranch house because of my health conditions. If there is ABSOLUTELY no alternatives, then I'll be glad to run the cable.

Or how about this: Sling Media - SlingLink Turbo
Again King thanks
I am going to order the sling later today and I will never use it outside of the home network as i do not travel at all. I would stream it to the laptop via wireless and the main PC would be 'wired' along with the sling so the Q should be great.
I'm just kicking myself for not doing this sooner.

edit: I just ordered the box from proadvantage :) I need to tell my brother about this as he does travel a lot. He is always going 'well, they don't have that channel in this hotel' but they do have broadband.

It will run at whatever speed your home network runs. I watch the Sling on my laptop over wireless all the time.

I guess it's obvious but I was wondering just that. If my wireless laptop would just pull data like it does when I stream a movie from another PC or IF it would be uploading.
I would not want to eat bandwidth since I am in the house just 40 feet away from the slingbox.

Is that automatic or do you use a internal setting or whatever it may be called?

I can't see ever using this 'remote' to where I would be uploading to another outside source and my ISP is pretty pissy about bandwidth, especially uploading and 512 is my upspeed.

I used soapcast for a few weeks off and on and until I turned on netpersec I had no idea I was pushing that much data. I rarely use it now due to that

But this works on the network, even the wireless so that's good to know things like gaming are not affected as if I am uploading I can't use xbox live worth a hoot. The lag is terrible so I try to have any outgoing traffic 'off'

Anyways, this is way off topic, lol

HaHa, I'm looking for love from the other team now. Some sweet Direct TV things. I may switch if Dish doesn't upgrade my software by this week cause Direct has the things I want compared to Dish.

What are you talking about. Everyone is supposed to have the software on the 15th. Use a little patience man!
I told Dish techs yesterday, if I don't get the upgraded software by noon on the 15th, I will be cancelling my account with them. I want the same access and products like everyone else in here. I pay almost $300 a month and I should not be forgottan about. I have the "everything" package, every adult paid channel, locals, HD addon's, DVR access, etc. Its not like I'm just getting the cheapest package, I have the full thing. Direct compared to dish, I could save some money minus a few things but also have access to items dish does not have.
I told Dish techs yesterday, if I don't get the upgraded software by noon on the 15th, I will be cancelling my account with them. I want the same access and products like everyone else in here. I pay almost $300 a month and I should not be forgottan about. I have the "everything" package, every adult paid channel, locals, HD addon's, DVR access, etc. Its not like I'm just getting the cheapest package, I have the full thing. Direct compared to dish, I could save some money minus a few things but also have access to items dish does not have.

How hard is it for you to understand that you aren't missing out on anything? External hard drive will not be activated for anyone until the 15th. You are making a bid deal out of nothing and successfully annoying everyone here in the process.
How hard is it for you to understand that you aren't missing out on anything? External hard drive will not be activated for anyone until the 15th. You are making a bid deal out of nothing and successfully annoying everyone here in the process.

agreed 100%

Its getting annoying and on the verge of more or less spamming
I pay almost $300 a month and I should not be forgottan about. I have the "everything" package, every adult paid channel, locals, HD addon's, DVR access, etc.

you want a cookie or something? :D

As noted above, August 15th is the date it is available...The software will download soon.

What's the difference (Discovery)

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