I'm a kind of newbie on a particular projects. I'm back to BUDs since all FTA funs seam to go C-band, go figure! I'm installing and updating again my tripod mounted 10 foot mesh dish. I've move and will move again, not the BUD this time. I'm hooking it up to a Sling-boxed Coolsat 6000 driving a V-Box X and a new ESX741U. This, instead of the old and noisy California Amp. Lnbs. I'll eventually slave a dsr-410 too.
My question is, Do Galaxy Marketing is mistaking itself by stating this LNB is not 4DTV compatible?
I think I can use it now that 4DTV is only on C-band as Skyvision's HITS is concern.
Can HITS's dsr-410 switch it? If not, it need to be slave nevertheless and to a FTA receiver instead of an analog receiver. Its just a matter of polarity switching technology in that case, isn't?
Is 4DTV's compression worst then before since is now all on the same sat and not use by cable & dss providers? Will it still survive?
PS. Sorry If it been discuss elsewhere. I find the forum hard to search.
My question is, Do Galaxy Marketing is mistaking itself by stating this LNB is not 4DTV compatible?
I think I can use it now that 4DTV is only on C-band as Skyvision's HITS is concern.
Can HITS's dsr-410 switch it? If not, it need to be slave nevertheless and to a FTA receiver instead of an analog receiver. Its just a matter of polarity switching technology in that case, isn't?
Is 4DTV's compression worst then before since is now all on the same sat and not use by cable & dss providers? Will it still survive?
PS. Sorry If it been discuss elsewhere. I find the forum hard to search.