ESPNHD and NHL Playoffs


SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Apr 19, 2004
Why would ESPN show that basketball game in HD tonight over the Stanley cup playoffs? I live in Tama and the past few games on ESPN have been in HD, but tonight is SD 'cause of the basketball game. Seems to me the playoffs would generate more business.
occammd said:
Why would ESPN show that basketball game in HD tonight over the Stanley cup playoffs? I live in Tama and the past few games on ESPN have been in HD, but tonight is SD 'cause of the basketball game. Seems to me the playoffs would generate more business.

Where do you see that the basketball game tonight will be in HD? On the ESPN-HD website, it doesn't list tonight's game as HD.
The basketball game is not in HD, but it is on ESPN while the hockey game has been demoted to ESPN2. It's kinda of sad when the conference finals of a sport are downplayed behind the second round of another, but such is the state of hockey.

In the end its all about ratings and advetrising revenue, more people watch basketball, and unfortunately ESPN only seems to be carying the confrence finals of sports in HD.
They got the HD truck out to San Jose overnite and did the hockey game last night in HD. Looked great!!! The sportscasters thanked the truck and crew for driving up from LA overnight and setting up so quickly.
i been having voom since beginning of march and there still hasnt been ONE SINGLE FREAKING NBA game in HD yet. so all you hockey babies needs to quit whining. so far everything in hd on espn has either hockey or baseball.
i been having voom since beginning of march and there still hasnt been ONE SINGLE FREAKING NBA game in HD yet. so all you hockey babies needs to quit whining. so far everything in hd on espn has either hockey or baseball.
Don't fret, the NBA Eastern Conference Finals are coming to ESPN-HD starting this Saturday. TNT-HD will carry the Western Conference Finals in HD starting this Friday -- we'll find out in a few days whether VOOM adds this channel in time.
Know VOOM they are likely to spring TNTHD on us at the very last moment. Lets hope they pull another espn deal.
I'm not whining, I'm just surprised since we have been able to see the entire playoff in HD until yesterday. We won anyway, so what the heck.
I live in the Portland, OR area and last week while driving home on I-5 between Salem and Portland, I passed a semi that had an HD Production logo on it with a Fox Sports Net emblem as well. I can't for the life of me figure out where they were going with that truck.

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