ESPN2HD? C'mon Dish!

THe studio portions of SportsCenter are in HD, as well as highlights from most events that were broadcast in HD. All other highlights are in SD...since presumably that is the only format the film was available. Same thing for Sunday NFL Countdown.

(edit: nothing like posting the same thing simultaneously! :cool: )
Add Universal HD, STARZ HD, and ESPN2

In the last Charlie Chat, Charlie mentioned the possbility of Bravo HD (Universal HD). That would be a big plus for me. If STARZ HD is not added soon, I am going to cancel STARZ. While I enjoy the ESPN HD, presently ESPN2 does not have many programs that I watch. However, if E* adds these 3 channels shortly, I will probably stay with E*. However, I will evaluate VOOM when their new HD DVR and 2 satellite dish is available and D* when their MPEG4 HD receivers are available. I have heard that D* features HD lite. If that is the case, they will not get my business. I also do not want E* to add more HD and go to HD lite!
ESPN HD programming

Starting at 7:00 tonight(Thursday 1/13) till 1:00 pm tomorrow afternoon there will be 16 continuous hours of true HD.
DWS44 said:
THe studio portions of SportsCenter are in HD, as well as highlights from most events that were broadcast in HD. All other highlights are in SD...since presumably that is the only format the film was available. Same thing for Sunday NFL Countdown.

(edit: nothing like posting the same thing simultaneously! :cool: )

HAHA I see you noticed that double posting DWS. I started it in that other thread but then i realized it didnt belong there.
I am guessing that the times i have seen sports center in the bars were times it was coming back from or going to clips from other games since they are always doing that. i will watch it for more than a few seconds tonight.
chopkins said:
Starting at 7:00 tonight(Thursday 1/13) till 1:00 pm tomorrow afternoon there will be 16 continuous hours of true HD.

thanks chop but where did you get that information? i am looking at the guide and there are gaps of an hour or two between some shows and it says at 430 am it stops and doesnt start again until 430 pm on friday. i just dont see 16 hours in a row.
with DWS's permission i will lift a link from another thread and post it here so someone can tell me where to go to find the real schedule.

again if DWS doesnt mind i will ask again here. What the heck is TILT?
richmert said:
HAHA I see you noticed that double posting DWS
richmert said:
...with DWS's permission...
richmert said:
...again if DWS doesnt mind...

While I think you broke a record for the number of times I've ever seen my name...err...initials sprinkled thru a series of posts, I would like to point out that my comment regarding simultaneous posts was jestfully directed toward that fact that mdonnely and I posted almost the exact same comment (regarding Sportscenter Studio being HD, his post just above mine) at the exact same time.

It had nothing to do with any cross/duplicate posting on your behalf. ;)

Now...please have my full permission! :p LOL
oh geeze thats funny dws44. i did post something very similar in a different thread but then i realized it belonged here so i reposted it. now i see what you are talking about with the post before yours. sorry about that.

anyway i did watch more of sports center tonight and i did actually see some HD from the SC set but it sure didnt seem like much. i mean much of the time was SD commercials. much of the time was SD clips and interviews. then there was that little bit of time left for the HD stuff. what little HD there was looked great though. doesnt seem compelling to me but even the SD clips looked good. unfortunately i did not see the duke game but i did see the laker game on TNTHD and it looked nice. saw a few minutes of tilt too. am i wrong in thinking its a sports soap opera? maybe i should watch more.

i'm sure the football looked nice once a week and i bet the baseball will look nice. how oftern do they show HD BB games?

oh well maybe ESPN 2 will be better.
I just got done reading in that D* may start ESPN2HD sometime in Feburary on thier 119 bird. They had a copy of a press release saying that D* will be carrying it, but it didn't say when.

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