FlyingJ said:Ummm Barney, everytime something shows up for us D8 loyalists to smile about, you try to rain on our parade. D* will come out the winner in the end. We all want more, and when we get it we will want more again. Have some patience. These things are technical and involve 10's if not 100s of millions of dollars. Not everything goes according to plan. Good thing you don't have a subscription to NASA, you would have changed over to the Russian space program, then the Chinese....remember, you are just one subscriber, we know your position on D* and I am willing to bet that in the very near future your post will be titled, I'm Back!
Flying & everyone else. If I seem to be "down" on D*, I think Longhorn said it best. Me as a customer is not being informed or nothing from D*. I am sorry if I seem to only post "bad" info & ask why. To me, they have cried wolf too many times.
Any yes, as soon as I get the upgrade with D*, I will post "I'm Back & loving it". You know me too well.

I sooo want a HD-DVR.........but will wait until the upgrade. I'll also keep my "so what" to myself from now on.....
Please let that "satellite fly real soon"......& get the show on the road. I'm waiting.