Error 1523

Dish doesn't authorize the Duo Hub for 2 Hopper 3 installs, but we have a good number of users here and that I've installed that haven't had issues

And no, glynnp not the same as cable
Thank you for keeping me informed.

I will sleep better knowing you are thinking of me. :heartbeat
Turned on the TV this morning and received an error message, 1523- unable to initialize the outdoor unit. Turned on the other H3 and same thing. Tried resetting, red button, then unplugging, same result. Also power cycled the power inserter. Called it in and scheduled a service call. An hour or so later, power cycled one receiver and it came back. Power cycled the other and it too came back.

Turned them off after awhile, and when turning them on later both got the same errors. Unplugged both units and the power inserter. After rebooting several minutes later, both came back on. I'm guessing either the switch or the power inserter is failing.

Anybody seen anything like that?

I know this post is a little old, but if someone new happens to find this string looking for the answer to the 1523 error, the cable is most likely the culprit. Either loose connections, corroded wires or bad cable. This past winter I cut my cable with my tractor. As a quick remedy, I did a bush fix and stripped everything back, twisted the ground shields together taped them and then twisted the copper conductors together and taped them and put extra wraps around everything. We started melting out of our Wisconsin Northwoods arctic snow deluge of snow and ice and moisture got into the connection. We kept getting pixelation and all sorts of errors and then the 1523 error. I had forgotten about the splice but when I remembered I unwrapped it and the copper conductors had corroded so bad they just fell off. The moisture was probably what was actually giving is a signal now and then. I had ordered a new cable anyway before because the install tech had run the cable to our old DTV dish and connected from there to the cabin.

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