Equity did a call in show last night

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Mr Tony

SatelliteGuys Pro
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Nov 17, 2003
Mankato, MN
So 9:00 rolls around and Smackdown is over so I decide to flip over to "Lick TV" to see what is opn tonight...when I see a black screen

So I flip through the channels on 11799 and they're all black except for WBMM (Daystar) and KYPX (Pax).

All of a sudden, there is a Live call in show over the Equity network about the Schiavo case and wanted peoples opinions

Best line of the night was from a lady in Dubuque, IA (KWWF)
She said her peace and then says "How long you gonna be on? Judge Mathis is suppose to be on" :D

I think it was an hiour program and it was on the following
All stations except for WUMN (Univ), KYPX (Pax), WBMM (Daystar), KUTH, KPOU & KUTF (Spanish)

Also on KWWF and KTUU (But not KWTO)
New Equity Show

Has anyone seen Confessions? They seem to run it Friday nights with one very hot chick>live call in show.
Gas said:
Has anyone seen Confessions? They seem to run it Friday nights with one very hot chick>live call in show.

Ummm, yes.

"They seem to run it Friday nights..."

We know it's your show.
perhaps that was before he did the show.. that post was 4 months ago...

snathanb: you really need to leave this guy alone..
I have seen this type of thing on other forums (unrelated to FTA). It seems when an "expert" or "celebrity" joins any forum there is an attack that you can set your watch by. I am not sure why this is, but it really has no place here or anywhere and serves no purpose. If you want to have a friendly debate and have the facts to back yourself up, I am sure nobody would mind. Otherwise, it is really best to just stay silent. ;)
Know Shite Dude. LOL

Man "snat.." needs some beer, I don't know about more coffee. I know I always try to see the bright side of things all of the time. I totally agree with those comments.... "Its Free" . I thinks its fantastic to have a guy on the inside, what more could you ask. Thanx Gary for saying "hi" on the show the other night. If your ever up in Southern Canada, let me know and I'll give you some good ol Canadian beer (7%).
I think one of the best things about it is, he is on our side on this and asking for input. He could just as easily go to his bosses and say, hey, we have these people getting our stuff who shouldn't, and it could go scrambled tomorrow. We don't want that....
timmy1376 said:
I think one of the best things about it is, he is on our side on this and asking for input. He could just as easily go to his bosses and say, hey, we have these people getting our stuff who shouldn't, and it could go scrambled tomorrow. We don't want that....

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