equipment shortage?

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I looked under Humax (the -500 manufacturer) on the FCC site and found the part number for the HR54 permissive change - HR54R1: FCC ID O6ZHR54R1 Digital Satellite Receiver by Humax Co., Ltd.

They have some internal photos, it isn't using the Broadcom 8 tuner chip, but rather Maxlinear's MXL568. Still DVB-S2 only on that one, but having only 8 instead of 16 hardware tuners it would be mostly pointless for it to support transponder bonding in hardware.
They're ALSO having equipment shortages even on Uverse TV installs; they even tell you this on their website if you attempt to order it online...& with the amount of Uverse subs they've LOST, you'd think they'd have LOTS of that equipment ready to use!

With Uverse that sort of makes sense - they showed net adds in Uverse the last couple quarters, which was really odd considering they were shedding subscribers by the hundreds of thousands each quarter after the Directv merger. If they weren't expecting that, they might have been sending a lot of returned Uverse equipment to the recycler instead of refurbishing it.

Maybe they really did have a warehouse fire... Or some issues with whoever they've contracted to refurbish equipment (I highly doubt they employ the people doing that work) Very strange that both Uverse and Directv are affected.
That would be nice, along with giving us access to all 16 tuners. Can that chip support PIP?

They will never give access to all 16 tuners - the ONLY reason it has 16 hardware tuners instead of 8 is to allow it (or perhaps a future iteration of the HSx7) to support 7 TVs/tuners, because they plan to use transponder bonding for 4K. Each 4K channel will use two transponders to carry three 4K channels, and thus tuning a 4K channel will use up 2 hardware tuners on the HS17. Rather than allowing 15 tuners if you watch HD but only 7 if you watch 4K, they made it simple by saying there are always 7.

As for PIP, the tuner doesn't decode video (i.e. MPEG4 etc.) so the HS17 is incapable of supporting PIP. If you're ever gonna get PIP from the Genie 2 you'd need some sort of "super client" that grabs multiple tuners. The C71KW supports 2x2 with four HD sources into 4K like Dish's sports bar mode (and I would assume standard PIP as well?) so I guess we can't 100% rule it out. But don't get your hopes up or hold your breath - Directv seems to be shying away from niche features like PIP, caller ID etc. For it to be really useful Directv would have to end the one Genie 2 per account policy.
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limiting to 7 tuners is a deal breaker for many people

Which is why I think they will eventually allow more than one per account. If they are already in shortage, they'd really be in shortage if all the power users could dump all their HR24s and get multiple HS17s and clients, which is a good reason to keep that restriction even if they plan to relax it down the road. I've always thought if they do relax it, it'll come with the HS27 which like the HR34 vs HR44 will have higher production levels, more manufacturers, etc.
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while they are at it, they need to get rid of the 100 timer limit, its just silly
another reason people dont want to get rid of multi dvr systems
I'm assuming that the new HR54's still have the old HDMI's, so no 4K on the main unit?

I'm sure they wouldn't upgrade the HDMI at this point. Based on the external photos, it looks like they dropped the digital coaxial audio and eSATA ports - probably upgraded the USB to USB3. The picture doesn't show the whole rear panel but I'm assuming they dropped the RJ11 phone jack as well (or had that already been gone on the original HR54?)
I'm sure they wouldn't upgrade the HDMI at this point. Based on the external photos, it looks like they dropped the digital coaxial audio and eSATA ports - probably upgraded the USB to USB3. The picture doesn't show the whole rear panel but I'm assuming they dropped the RJ11 phone jack as well (or had that already been gone on the original HR54?)
I don't think the HR44 or HR54 had phone jks.
I liked the idea of having the Caller Id function, but its gone.

How do you hook up your existing Digital Audio connection if they removed it ?
I doubt the 7 tuner limit is significant to many customers. My swag is 1%.
Maybe with the HS17, but not with the HR series ....
I can't imagine trying to record 7 different shows at the same time ....
I could never find 7 things worth recording, let alone having them all on at the same time.
16 4k streams ?
For 3 4k channels ? Lol

I'm not hearing 4k channels breaking down the door to get on the air.
Oh Jim I was teasing (well sort of). :)

I mean it would be nice sometimes to have access to more tuners when you need more than 7 for streaming and recording.
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Here's the back panel.

No esata like the new HS17. Otherwise no changes. No difference in tuner count, no native 4K support. IMHO it looks and feels flimsier than other models.

I had a supply of the new HR54s for a couple weeks and now back to HR44 refurbs.

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Here's the back panel. View attachment 135052

No esata like the new HS17. Otherwise no changes. No difference in tuner count, no native 4K support. IMHO it looks and feels flimsier than other models.

I had a supply of the new HR54s for a couple weeks and now back to HR44 refurbs.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Which recvr is this ?
With Uverse that sort of makes sense - they showed net adds in Uverse the last couple quarters, which was really odd considering they were shedding subscribers by the hundreds of thousands each quarter after the Directv merger.

But are those (alleged) "net adds" to Uverse in the legacy ADSL TV side, the internet side (Gigapower or ADSL) or the Gigapower IPTV side - since they do seem to call ALL these "Uverse"??? Since the TV equipment on the Gigapower platform is different from the ADSL platform, I really DO believe those net adds HAVE to be on the Gigapower platform...& NOT the ADSL platform. Which is why it makes (LESS than) zero sense why there's an equipment shortage on the ADSL equipment...unless it's (most likely) AT&T's piss-poor handling of their equipment inventory.
Wouldn't it be easier to give us more tuners in one box? Hell put 32 in the next one, then give us 16 4K streams. :)

I know, I know, single point of failure.

No, because then they pay more for Genies for capability a very small percentage of users will want. True, the users who want it are probably amongst their most lucrative (people who have that many TVs have larger homes, more money and thus probably get high packages as well as paying a lot of $7 fees) so while it might be 1% of who care about this it might be 5% of their revenue.

Much easier to get that by supporting more than one per account. They already made the most important change to make that happen, by altering the way clients associate with the Genie with the HS17. Not sure why they would have made that change if they didn't foresee allowing multiple Genie 2s on an account someday.
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