EquatorHD is Much Improved Tonight!


I Think, therefore, I am.
Original poster
Supporting Founder
Nov 6, 2003
Salem, OR
:) Broadway Remembers and Over France look as good as any other Voom channel tonight. There is still some noise in the small detail but it is looking a whole lot better. Thank you voom and please keep improving the PQ, there's still a ways to go. ;)
Ill check it out next year when it gets off demo loop mode. IMO this is one of 3 channels that could be turned off and the material combined with other channels. The result (12mbps*3=36mbps) would be an additional 1mbps that would used used on the other 34 HD channels to give us better PQ.
I agree with vurbano....its getting so I dont even stop at the ch anymore. I understand that it is a new ch but come on now. I find myself watching DiscoveryHD alot now. It really has a ton of HD on the ch .....its refreshing to be able to turn to a HD ch and watch something that doesnt play in a three show loop all day. Launch new ch's when they have programming to support it. I love new HD ch's but to have like 6 shows that are in a constant loop is useless. Actually some of the shows on EQHD have been show and produced for other HD ch's.
I totally disagree, Equator has lots of potential and I really like it. Yes they do need more content but it needs to be seperate channel too. How can you harp about Equator when Cinema 1-8 are basically the same thing.
Let's stay on topic, guys. The major announcement here is that they have cleaned up 80% of the mosquito noise, at least on the Over France show and on Broadway Remembers it was practically non existent. If you have nothing to contribute to this topic, please don't post anything.

I am watching the Eye over England program. I still can see the "mosquito" noise but I have a new theory about it (DarrellP you maybe right about not being as noticeable as before). During intermission, none of the video shown (even worldsports highlights) showed the "mosquito" noise but when the cammera spans from the top (helicopter, I assume) the effect is more visible. When the camera is closer to the ground, there is none of the effect. I wonder if it has to do more about how this program was recorded. Again tonight in this program seems to be less. Just throwing ideas not sure what to make of it.
I'm really disappointed, I tuned in Over Italy this morning and the bigtime mosquito noise was there. I think the issue may be the mastering of these shows. I remember a couple of years ago on D* when a HD channel premiered that there was an issue with scan lines being backward and it ended up being in the mastering process and they got it cleared up fairly quick. The 2 shows I mentioned above looked much better than Over Italy.

Back to the drawing board.
Yes I see it still. It's especially easy to see (for me) in the dark patches.

I tried to catch the equator promos on the inside voom channel to see if it's there, but hard to tell as the promos fly by so quickly. Has anyone else checked? Wondering if it's the source or the problem with this channel.

When I had D*, they had problems with their HD channels too early on, and occasionally problems would crop up, but they would fix them after a few days or a week. I still see the shimmering/glittering/pixel swimming on SD channels I saw when I signed up for Voom two months ago. why don't they fix it? I don't think it's b/c they're incompetent or don't care (hope not!). I suspect these problems stem from not having enough bandwidth, which they just can't do anything about.
I wanted to resurrect this thread because last night I watched the first 10 minutes of "Over France" & the last 10 minutes of "Amba" and the mosquito noise is practically non-existent. However, the PQ was very soft on "Over" and slightly soft on "Amba". I think the remaining issues with PQ are a matter of bandwidth limitations.
DarrellP said:
I wanted to resurrect this thread because last night I watched the first 10 minutes of "Over France" & the last 10 minutes of "Amba" and the mosquito noise is practically non-existent. However, the PQ was very soft on "Over" and slightly soft on "Amba". I think the remaining issues with PQ are a matter of bandwidth limitations.

It was hard to pick up the mosquito noise last night but it was still there. I want it to be completly out of the picture. If you turn to HDnews, there's no mosquito noise.
The place I see it is in very fine detail, I'll have to check out the News and see how it looks. I hardly watch Voom because of the PQ, I am paying $71/month for MonstersHD.
I think they're dowsampling it. (Not sure if that's the right term.) I remember HBOHD/D* had a lot of issues when they first showed SWepII:AotC. Lots of pixellation. Then they made some changes and reduced pixellation but the resulting picture was softer. Kind of a double-edged sword.

I guess you can't pull bandwidth out of your a**; something's gotta give.
DarrellP said:
II watched the first 10 minutes of "Over France" & the last 10 minutes of "Amba" and the mosquito noise is practically non-existent. However, the PQ was very soft on "Over" and slightly soft on "Amba". I think the remaining issues with PQ are a matter of bandwidth limitations.

Pixel Dancing/Mosquito Noise is still there, but it seems to be more prevalent in certain shows, I still think it has to do with the variable bit rate more than anything. In a show like Earth Diaries, the images there hav lots of different colors, and textures forcing the bit rate higher to compensate for more detail. WHere as something like SHirikami MOuntains thats supposed to be fine shades of white/grey/black get clumped together, and the compression algorithm has trouble discerning light light grey from just light grey (as an example) and you get the dancing pixel effect. I still think Rainbow needs to find away to not show their duplicate SD channels and redistribute the b/w to HD channels.
I noticed this yesterday too. But on Saturday afternoon there was a change on all channels. On my set, I lost VOOM for 5 minutes maybe a little less. No rain or other problem just went off the air. When it came back, it was fantastic on every channel. However Sunday it was back to the way it usually is. clowdy and slitghtly muted. all channels looked compressed. Don't know what they are doing. Perhaps Sean knows. For a time I thought maybe they had MPEG4 working or something.

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