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Why not just attach all the ones you'd like to see added, and i'm sure scott will add them. 6 months from now if you've got a new one, make a thread and ask if it can be added, and i'm sure it will be.

I just think you're trying to get emoticons added the hardest way possible. Scott just said he'll revamp the list, so show him what you'd like to be added...
Purogamer said:
Why not just attach all the ones you'd like to see added, and i'm sure scott will add them. 6 months from now if you've got a new one, make a thread and ask if it can be added, and i'm sure it will be.

I just think you're trying to get emoticons added the hardest way possible. Scott just said he'll revamp the list, so show him what you'd like to be added...

Because I've got over a hundred of the little bastards. deal.gif

Besides, use of emoticons is an art beatnik.gif and if they were all put up here for anyone to use whenever they wanted we'd have emoticonial chaos. No, I'm afraid people would have to be trained in their proper useage and who's got time to do that? bandito.gif
Well, most people don't use them honestly, so you wouldn't have to worry about anyone misusing them, or using them as well as you just did.

I don't know if scott can have seperate lists of emoticons, one for the general masses and one for pub members, maybe he can answer that question.

Otherwise, I think you're going to have to just IMG to the rare emoticon you want to use, adding 100 to the list may be a bit excessive...
Purogamer said:
Well, most people don't use them honestly, so you wouldn't have to worry about anyone misusing them, or using them as well as you just did.

I don't know if scott can have seperate lists of emoticons, one for the general masses and one for pub members, maybe he can answer that question.

Otherwise, I think you're going to have to just IMG to the rare emoticon you want to use, adding 100 to the list may be a bit excessive...

Yea, actually it's not that bad to do the IMG thing once you get used to it - just a big time lag doing the browse / upload, toggle from details to thumbnails and then scroll through the list. You're right though - putting them all on the site would be excessive.smoking.gif
Maybe you could make a post, IMG the 100, and maybe scott will pick some of them for the revamp. He may take 1, he may take 20, but anythings better than nothing right?
Purogamer said:
Maybe you could make a post, IMG the 100, and maybe scott will pick some of them for the revamp. He may take 1, he may take 20, but anythings better than nothing right?
Good ideayes.gif
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