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Feb 9, 2005
Lousville, KY
Here are some new smilies if the mods would like to upload them


  • beatdeadhorse5.gif
    8.7 KB · Views: 213
  • smilielol5.gif
    6.2 KB · Views: 204
  • smash.gif
    535 bytes · Views: 222
  • seeya.gif
    2.5 KB · Views: 200
  • rant.gif
    11.1 KB · Views: 217
  • puke.gif
    2.5 KB · Views: 215
  • iagree.gif
    1.2 KB · Views: 211
  • drool5.gif
    1.2 KB · Views: 219
  • cuss.gif
    251 bytes · Views: 229
We need an emoticon which is looking in the mirror at another emoticon and mimmicking it's movements to symbolize all the avatars that multiple people have...
Curious related question:

Why do some emotionons work some places and some don't?

I've grabbed some really cool ones from other forums but a lot of them don't work here. Also some work in emails and others don't.
I "borrowed" these from corvetteforum.com. Same software. Maybe that makes a difference.
I've been collecting them for about a year and some are really creative but for some reason, some can be inserted in an email fine while others won't work. In fact some will work some times but not other times. Sometimes when I insert it in an email I just get a little red "X" in a box.
It would be cool to have some fresh ones...we've had the same ones for a long time now.
That last one (2 posts up) looks like the horse is bleeding from the backside, I'm not sure that's an emoticon that will get approved. The other one i've seen here before and i'm sure it would get approved, but not the blood-stain one...
Apparently the only way to insert a custom emoticon that's not in the list is to upload it as an attachment each time.

Since the post stays available (and also the attachment) isn't the extra bandwidth used my the icon increased everytime it's used versus only once for all uses (by anyone) if it's part of the list?

Is there a way that if someone uses a custom icon once, therearter it can just be referenced instead of bein attached each time?
You could upload it to somewhere and then just IMG to it, like photobucket or personal webspace.

How about we just ask scott nicely, that when the time comes to move up to version 3.60 of vBulletin, he revamps the emoticon list for us. That would probably be the easiest, and least painful, way to get the emoticon-list expanded.

Here's 1 vote for "more emoticons please" from me...
It's sort of a catch 22. Emoticons are often a very "individule" thing - similar to one's avatar. While a list is nice and useful a lot of times, sometimes we just want a special one of our own.

Maybe there's a way to allocate "X" amount of space per user for personal emoticons (sort of like we do for PMs) storage where we could upload ones we want to pick from. I'm not sure what would happen if you changed your list and ones used in previous posts were no longer in your list. Maybe once posts reach a certain age, all attachments should be deleted. Guess I better leave it to someone more knowedgable to work out the logistics.coffee.gif
You've already got space for pictures, use that...Or use photobucket. I think they give us enough tools here, space for emoticons that only a handful of people will use is kind of excessive.

There are some that USED to be here and aren't anymore that should be brought back. Everyone should be able to easily use an emoticon without having to look up it's URL and IMG it in a message, just click the box, find it in the list, and click it...
You mean everyone is sort of allocated space for pictures if they choose to use it? What's "Photobucket"? Sorry but obviously I'm not very smart about this stuff.shrug.gif
Purogamer said:
How about we just ask scott nicely, that when the time comes to move up to version 3.60 of vBulletin, he revamps the emoticon list for us. That would probably be the easiest, and least painful, way to get the emoticon-list expanded.
This is actually "The Plan" :)
OK but I guess what I want to know, even if the list is expanded, is it (will it be) still ok to add emoticons that may not be on the list by using the attachment routine?hmm.gif
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