<div class="bbWrapper"><span style="font-family: 'Tahoma'">Honestly you're not missing much. I was disappointed when I first walked into the one here that it didn't take up the entire space of the old Wegman's. An electronics store that takes up the space of a Wegman's, now that was always my dream <img src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/joypixels/assets/8.0/png/unicode/64/1f642.png" class="smilie smilie--emoji" loading="lazy" width="64" height="64" alt=":)" title="Smile :)" data-smilie="1"data-shortname=":)" /> It's a lot smaller than I expected. The only cool thing about Ultimate Electronics is/was the game room stuff with air hockey, pool and foosball tables. Their selection is lacking and they don't carry the higher end gear Best Buy Magnolia stores have. The website is amateur and the whole store has a lot to be desired. </span><br />
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<span style="font-family: 'Tahoma'">While the UE at Carousel is better, Best Buy still wins hand down. Here's a pic from Syracuse.com. Ultimate Electronics occupies Circuit City's old retail space, which is on the first level, directly above is Best Buy.</span><br />
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<span style="font-family: 'Arial'"><span style="font-size: 12px">I've been at UE exactly twice, once at </span></span><span style="font-family: 'Tahoma'">Carousel, and a few weeks later at the grand opening at the one at the Galleria. </span></div>