Here is what CNN did with its "virtual capital" and "holograms".
The technology is called Augmented Reality: which is the process of overlaying "lifelike" 3-D computer graphics into a video feed in real time.
[ame=""]Augmented reality - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia@@AMEPARAM@@/wiki/File:Augmented_GeoTravel.jpg" class="image"><img alt="" src=""@@AMEPARAM@@commons/thumb/b/b7/Augmented_GeoTravel.jpg/220px-Augmented_GeoTravel.jpg[/ame]
Here is a demo of a company showcasing their Augmented Reality technology from a few years ago.
[ame=]Total Immersions Augmented Reality Demo[/ame]
MSNBC makes a lot of use of Microsoft Surface technology. Here is a demo of the upgrade to Microsoft Surface, called Microsoft Second Light, which adds a second dimension to the surface image.
[ame=]YouTube - Microsoft SecondLight[/ame]