EHD with recordings from ViP 722K on Hopper 3 not supported anymore?

Fact. I have successfully "plug and played" an EHD directly from a 722 to a Hopper 3
I have successfully "plug and played" an EHD directly from a 622 to a hopper 2, then after a number of years to the Hopper 3. The Hopper 3 did require an overnight update or whatever it does, but the next day all EHD recordings were available. And I have some rather old recordings going back to movies from the old Voom channels.
Others should be aware that if you drop and restart service under a new account number, or get a new account number for another reason, you will lose all access to previous EHD recordings.

I started with a couple 301s. Later, a 508 then 721. Then 622, 722, HWS and H3. No problem moving from 622 onwards.

I had an owned Joey 1, which Dish would not upgrade. Tech took it with him. NBD, as it's only real value at that point was if someone yelled "PULL!"
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I have successfully "plug and played" an EHD directly from a 622 to a hopper 2, then after a number of years to the Hopper 3. The Hopper 3 did require an overnight update or whatever it does, but the next day all EHD recordings were available. And I have some rather old recordings going back to movies from the old Voom channels.
This was my hope when I upgraded from VIP receivers to the Hopper system and it should have worked since the DVR disk and recording formats are the same. But for some reason, my 722 EHD and its recordings would not show up on the Hopper no matter how long I left it, reset the Hopper or sent a Hit to the receiver. It never popped up the window that a Media Device was added to a USB port, but when I turned the drive off, it did pop up the Device Disconnected message. In my opinion, the Hopper's support for external drives sucks compared to the 722, I never had these problems with VIP receivers. It's only saving grace is that it supports larger and multiple drives, but at the expense of flakiness and poor software quality.

Today, I have finally completed moving all of my 600+ recordings from my 722's EHD to the Hopper and onto a larger 3TB Hopper formatted EHD. It took me over a week to do all this via the process I described earlier in this post.
Others should be aware that if you drop and restart service under a new account number, or get a new account number for another reason, you will lose all access to previous EHD recordings.

I started with a couple 301s. Later, a 508 then 721. Then 622, 722, HWS and H3. No problem moving from 622 onwards.

I had an owned Joey 1, which Dish would not upgrade. Tech took it with him. NBD, as it's only real value at that point was if someone yelled "PULL!"
I started with Dish way back as well when you had to buy your own receivers, 26 years ago! Same account though.
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Yes, it is the Linux file system. Trying to copy recordings between drives, even from an actual Linux system is problematic. I tried many years ago and had no luck. Instead, I purchased one of these hard drive duplicators (Amazon product ASIN B019Y4JE22
View: to make backup disks of my saved recordings. Works like a charm, but you need to use the same size drives, no good if you want to move everything to a larger drive. I am not done transferring all my 722 recordings to a larger EHD on the Hopper, I'm but getting close. I am going to start another thread when done, because in all honesty, the Hopper's support for external drives is very problematic when it comes to moving recordings between them.
What I did was clone the drives on Windows using Macrium Reflect, they were both 2TB drives but not the same make or model as this was when I upgraded to a Hopper 3 from a Hopper 1, did it only in case something went wrong with the original, I would have a backup and not lose everything.
Seems like EHD work fine for most on the 722. I am about to upgrade to a Hopper 3 so I bought a SanDisk 1 TB in an enclosure and plugged it in the USB in the rear. A message came up that said I had too many devices plugged in on the USB and 722 only supports one device. Thing is I only have one device. Anyone know what that is all about?
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Seems like EHD work fine for most on the 722. I am about to upgrade to a Hopper 3 so I bought a SanDisk 1 TB in an enclosure and plugged it in the USB in the rear. A message came up that said I had too many devices plugged in on the USB and 722 only supports one device. Thing is I only have one device. Anyone know what that is all about?
Is it not giving you the option to format the drive? When I was swapping EHDs on my 722, it would bring up a message about only supporting one external media device, but still let me mount it.
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Upgrading from Dish 1000 to Hopper 3 and Joey
