EHD fix scheduled 1/20 now set for Feb 2

U341 installed today (1/27). Not sure what it does, but it did not fix my EHD problem. Fingers still crossed for promised 2/2 upgrade.

It fixed mine!! Whoo hoo!!
I've had my EHD unplugged from the Hopper since it wasn't detecting it anyway. I got U341 last night. Just got home from work and plugged in the EHD. It took about 30 seconds and then got the pop up screen saying it has been detected.
I have the Hopper 3 and had upgraded from a 622, My WD EHD had worked flawlessly with the 622 but has never worked with the Hopper 3. After software update of 336 and 341, it recognizes an EHD is connected but wants to reformat it which is not what I want lol. I have a lot of programs that will not be rebroadcast, including 2 football games my youngest son played in. I am assuming (and yes I know what they say about that lol), that there updated to fix this issue is still on for 2/2. Does anyone know? Or have an ideas? I have had "Hits" sent to my receiver, rebooted, powered down, changed usb ports lol, everything I can think of that I have seen people say they have tried. I have seen others say their recordings from the 622's have worked so I am at a loss as to what I am doing or not doing wrong.
my recordings from my 622,722 now work on the same drive in the H3
any chance your 622 is still there to see if its still working ??

622 had a habit of trashing a superblock, so the drive was still seen but said it had to be formatted. i had to recover the superblock a few times. but is has been many many years since my 622
My HWS sees my external drive (since u226), but when I look to view the contents, no recordings show up despite it showing 98% full.
I have tried 1 of my 2 external drives with u228 but with u226 both were recognized but no recordings showed up.
What Dish giveth, Dish taketh away. On 334 I had no access to my EHD, then I installed 336 and the EHD was back. Now Dish forced 341 on my H3 and the EHD is gone away. I am so fed up, it's time for Dish to get their act together and get REAL QA department.

And to add insult to injury I received today the letter from Dish with the exciting news that my monthly charges will go up by $5. They should pay me $5 every day that their system is broken.
Have 341 on mine and can still access EHD's.
I had to reboot my H3 to be able to see the EHD again but I found another problem and a way around it. If I start transferring programs to the EHD and stay on the screen displaying the progress at some point in the it middle gets stuck. If at that point I go to live TV and then back to the EHD the progress bar resets to 0. Pressing stop causes the progress bar to jump to the point it got stuck at and then it is stuck again. The only way to get the EHD back is to reboot the H3. I found that in order to complete transfers to the EHD without getting stuck I have to start the transfer and immediately switch to live TV and not try to access the EHD again until the popup telling me that the transfer is complete is displayed.
In my case I had two Hopper 2000's (the originals), and had left two EHDs attached while I was away from home. Upon return I found I had been upgraded from U106 to U108, and the EHDs were recognized as being connected, but I was prompted for a reformat before they could be used. I was told when I upgraded to a Hopper 3 the problem would be fixed. Hopper 3 came with U334, the EHD problem persisted. Upgrade to U336 did not help. The CSRs I've spoken with were not clear about which hardware was involved, but I inferred the fix was for Hopper 3's.

My upgrade from two older Hoppers to a single Hopper 3 was overall a great move. Note to Dish: Hire a continuity director so that past features are carried forward and not removed. If candidate has Microsoft on their resume, hire someone else.
I wonder if the issue is memory, and having to decide which previous features to keep. There still has to be room for future features.
I wonder if the issue is memory, and having to decide which previous features to keep. There still has to be room for future features.
Must be it. All the features from the ViP line of receivers that were lost because the Hopper has less memory. :)
Hopper 3 has less memory? Interesting, given the ever-decreasing cost of RAM. Makes my point for a continuity director - someone who makes sure designs include room for existing and evolving features. (No harshness meant for Microsoft, I worked for them as a vendor for the original MSN and they're an amazing group. It's just that they work in silo-ed teams, that don't collaborate as much as they should. Back in the day, I documented the telnet settings from WFW on up until they removed telnet - not one of them had the same defaults. By themselves they made perfect sense, but the lack of conformity made online tech support dicier than it needed to be.)

I suppose the alleged 2/2 EHD fix has occurred, this time I disconnected my EHDs and I'll check if they work Sunday upon my return. Hope springs eternal.
I have U341 and my EHD still doesn't work....To make it appear I have to unhook and then hook it up and then the EHD will show up BUT all my shows are gone but 1 and the EHD still shows my capacity at 48% and when I try to play the one show I get a message stating "External Device 1" is in spin-up state.....
I'm not having any trouble with U341. Brought EHD over from H2WS and saw it first time. Can transfer back and forth no issues.
I had more issues getting H2 to completely format EHD first time than H3 detecting. The H2 would see EHD and start format but not complete until 4th attempt.
I still have the issue with the spin up/black screen on my H3. Problems with transferring programs to it (if I only transfer one program it USUALLY works, if I try to transfer, say, 3 30 minutes shows and then later try to access the EHD, I get the 0 minutes left notice, hitting stop shows the progress bar stuck somewhere (e.g. 2;45 left) and I have to reboot to access the EHD, and sometimes the EHD just disappears and requires a reboot to get it back.

I had a VIP 722 and 621 (or 622?) years ago, and EHDs just worked. No problems of any kind. Frustrating that the latest technology is so buggy.
Problems with transferring programs to it (if I only transfer one program it USUALLY works, if I try to transfer, say, 3 30 minutes shows and then later try to access the EHD, I get the 0 minutes left notice, hitting stop shows the progress bar stuck somewhere (e.g. 2;45 left) and I have to reboot to access the EHD, and sometimes the EHD just disappears and requires a reboot to get it back.

Like I mentioned in my earlier post, just don't try to access the EHD until you get the popup telling you that the transfer has completed. Since I started following my own advice I had zero issue with transferring to EHD.
I was going to backup a few shows before my Hopper 3 install tomorrow (on a Hopper 2000 now). I have the new UI and on the 02/02 was updated from U110 to U111. When I plug in an unformatted (for Hopper but currently formatted NTFS) drive I get no response. Any ideas?

Why are my SD channels hit or miss?

Bug Report: Pages Refresh Continuously on HwS. . .

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