EFF Fights For FTA Users!

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If Dish just secured their signal properly (like DirecTV did) there wouldn't be a reason to use FTA receivers except to watch FTA.

Yippie for the EFF!
Let me get this straight....Charlie is too cheap to build a decent armored car or hire armed guards to transport Dish Network payroll. Unfortunately, this results is unarmed thugs pilfering company payroll as it is being pulled in an uncovered wagon by a 6-year old. Charlie reacts by suing the shoe industry because they "aid and abet" the criminals because they make running shoes that are used in stealing Dish Network payroll.:rolleyes:

Sound like a good topic for The Satellite Dish. Dish Network earns my "Cheesedick of the Week" award...:(
Let me get this straight....Charlie is too cheap to build a decent armored car or hire armed guards to transport Dish Network payroll. Unfortunately, this results is unarmed thugs pilfering company payroll as it is being pulled in an uncovered wagon by a 6-year old. Charlie reacts by suing the shoe industry because they "aid and abet" the criminals because they make running shoes that are used in stealing Dish Network payroll.:rolleyes:

Sound like a good topic for The Satellite Dish. Dish Network earns my "Cheesedick of the Week" award...:(

Yes.. And if somebody does researches it closely enough, they'll find out that Charlie owns a shoe factory himself in Europe :eek:. (Charlie sells FTA units in Europe)
They should have spent the money on accelerating the current smart card swap out.

Bring the new cards on and change the encryption to only work on the new cards.

I think if they just hurry up and switch to all EMPG4 service they would get rid of all those old fta boxes that can't do EMPG4 probably 80% of the boxes out there.
And how common is piracy of Dish Network programming in Europe ?

I think that since there is piracy in Europe and Echostar sells FTA boxes in Europe that may be used to pirate other companies signals is more to the point. Obvious there isn't going to be Dishnet piracy there since the sats are below the horizon or in the case of 61.5 no european footprint.
If Dish just secured their signal properly (like DirecTV did) there wouldn't be a reason to use FTA receivers except to watch FTA.

Yippie for the EFF!

I wouldn't say that DirecTV secured their signal properly ( from a technology standpoint) There are some less than legit FTA receivers with ethernet connections that can get sky mexico (which uses the same CAS as DirecTV)

What DirecTV did with their mass mailing is put the fear of GOD ( or the fear of a legal $hit storm) into the hearts/minds of the people who can pull off a hack.

DirecTV has been constantly updating their CAS. New receivers do not come with Period 4 / D1 cards. I wonder why :)

While this win is good for us who are True FTA users it is also a win for hackers. :(
Let me get this straight....Charlie is too cheap to build a decent armored car or hire armed guards to transport Dish Network payroll. Unfortunately, this results is unarmed thugs pilfering company payroll as it is being pulled in an uncovered wagon by a 6-year old. Charlie reacts by suing the shoe industry because they "aid and abet" the criminals because they make running shoes that are used in stealing Dish Network payroll.:rolleyes:

Sound like a good topic for The Satellite Dish. Dish Network earns my "Cheesedick of the Week" award...:(
Agree... Scott, this would be an excellent topic.
I think that since there is piracy in Europe and Echostar sells FTA boxes in Europe that may be used to pirate other companies signals is more to the point. Obvious there isn't going to be Dishnet piracy there since the sats are below the horizon or in the case of 61.5 no european footprint.

Echostar FTA boxes in Europe are used to hack providers that use Nagravision for a CAS. And we all know that Dishnetwork also uses Nagravision for their CAS.
I'm also pleased with the decision. I registered with SatelliteGuys because I was thoroughly impressed with the comradship and unbelievable eagerness to step in and help newcomers as well as "oldtimers" that ask for it.

I hope ALL of you guys (us?) keep on like you are and keep it clean. I'm also a Dish Network subscriber, but haven't really had any problems with them so far. They can come check my equipment any time - I have never, and will never, have anything to hide from them.

I'm still impressed with this group and proud to be part of it.............

I'm also pleased with the decision. I registered with SatelliteGuys because I was thoroughly impressed with the comradship and unbelievable eagerness to step in and help newcomers as well as "oldtimers" that ask for it.

I hope ALL of you guys (us?) keep on like you are and keep it clean. I'm also a Dish Network subscriber, but haven't really had any problems with them so far. They can come check my equipment any time - I have never, and will never, have anything to hide from them.

I'm still impressed with this group and proud to be part of it.............

I totally agree! I also still have dish and fta, and they can check everything i got anytime they want, but charlie needs to figure out a way to deal with the "eye patch gang" and leave the truely fta'ers alone! I myself think it's just a crock that because i have a few fta receivers that are totally legit that he thinks everybody that has one is stealing his signal!
As for the people on satguys, THEY ARE THE BEST!! :up :hatsoff::clap
When i first started getting into this hobby, i knew absolutely nothing about it, and from day one, everytime i asked a question, there's allways been someone around to walk me though it! JUST A GREAT GROUP!! I'm really proud to be part of it!! :up
I wouldn't say that DirecTV secured their signal properly ( from a technology standpoint) There are some less than legit FTA receivers with ethernet connections that can get sky mexico (which uses the same CAS as DirecTV)

What DirecTV did with their mass mailing is put the fear of GOD ( or the fear of a legal $hit storm) into the hearts/minds of the people who can pull off a hack.

DirecTV has been constantly updating their CAS. New receivers do not come with Period 4 / D1 cards. I wonder why :)

While this win is good for us who are True FTA users it is also a win for hackers. :(

It will not be a considerable win for hackers since Dish Network is securing their signal with the Purple G3 card unless it is thought that it will quickly become hacked again by FTA receivers.

I didn't know that the DirecTv card was compromised, is that why they kept switching to a newer type of card/security with DirecTv so that the U.S. would not start hacking here after it was done with a FTA receiver in Mexico? When DirecTv goes MPEG-4 more and more then wouldn't that make them even more vulnerable to FTA receiver hacks that can get their service in the U.S. as well?
Everything I've read indicates that no D* card made after the "football" cards have been hacked.
I would bet that somewhere, somehow, somebody has done it! This satellite stuff for the "eye patchers" is just a game to them (just like computers & windows). What was made to be secure, someone out there will find a way to break it! And what really p**s's me off is it makes us true fta'ers look bad!!!
Just makes me wonder if nobody in this thread has ever viewed tv via the "eye patch guys" why would you even care? This whole possible lawsuit should not pertain to you if you have never done it. hmmmm, makes one think.
If they were given the right to get the names of all the people that have bought one, they would do like DTV did and sue everybody on the list. This means that if your name is on the list YOU would need to hire a lawyer to defend yourself even if you are innocent. That is like getting a list of everybody who has bought a set of boltcutters and suing them all for break and enter.
Just makes me wonder if nobody in this thread has ever viewed tv via the "eye patch guys" why would you even care? This whole possible lawsuit should not pertain to you if you have never done it. hmmmm, makes one think.

DirecTV SUCCESSFULLY sued owners of smart card programmers who had NOTHING to do with modifying DirecTV cards. They don't even have to sue, actually. They just have to threaten to sue, and tell you if you don't pay them blackmail money, they'll take you to court. Even if you're innocent, you'll have to spend thousands to defend yourself in court. Those are the kinds of tactics these companies use. In my opinion, they're no better than the hackers... They're worse, actually, since they're stealing far more money than the hackers are.
Thanks for the explanation and for not taking my message out of context. Amazing what corporate greed can get away with. But on a brighter note OJ is guilty, of course DTV already knew that. lol
DirecTV SUCCESSFULLY sued owners of smart card programmers who had NOTHING to do with modifying DirecTV cards. They don't even have to sue, actually. They just have to threaten to sue, and tell you if you don't pay them blackmail money, they'll take you to court. Even if you're innocent, you'll have to spend thousands to defend yourself in court. Those are the kinds of tactics these companies use. In my opinion, they're no better than the hackers... They're worse, actually, since they're stealing far more money than the hackers are.

Right on Tron!
Both Dish and DTV have enormous legal departments, not only to pursue pirates, but to squeeze consumers, suppliers, content providers,employees, and to fight Ala Carte programming initiatives. There is a lot of revenue to be made with lawsuits, the REAL bottom line.

Their problems are much like those the recording industies face with limewire and other music sharing sites. Their solution is the same, sue with a shotgun, fear will drive out the timid.

I don't advocate pirating, but I can understand it. When these guys sell a overpriced marginal product with few choices, someone is bound to try to find a workaround. Conspiracy minded folks would say DTV is behind the cracking of Nagra, and that Dish is working on cracking DTV's CAS. For some, the cat & mouse game of stealing signals, then breaking ECM's is it's own reward. Way too much of a hassle for most of us.

I'm please the EFF is being the vangard for those of us that wish to use FTA equipment for it's intended purpose. This is a great hobby, and we don't need Big Brother tactics from the major service providers.
Right on Tron!
Both Dish and DTV have enormous legal departments, not only to pursue pirates, but to squeeze consumers, suppliers, content providers,employees, and to fight Ala Carte programming initiatives. There is a lot of revenue to be made with lawsuits, the REAL bottom line.

Their problems are much like those the recording industies face with limewire and other music sharing sites. Their solution is the same, sue with a shotgun, fear will drive out the timid.

I don't advocate pirating, but I can understand it. When these guys sell a overpriced marginal product with few choices, someone is bound to try to find a workaround. Conspiracy minded folks would say DTV is behind the cracking of Nagra, and that Dish is working on cracking DTV's CAS. For some, the cat & mouse game of stealing signals, then breaking ECM's is it's own reward. Way too much of a hassle for most of us.

I'm please the EFF is being the vangard for those of us that wish to use FTA equipment for it's intended purpose. This is a great hobby, and we don't need Big Brother tactics from the major service providers.
Here's my take on this issue.
I do not pirate. I don not support pirating and to be brutally honest, while I know there are those who are FTA "testers", most folks who have FTA systems are in fact reciveing programming for which they do not pay.
I am firm advocate of the rights of Americans to take full advantage of the airwaves which by law ,belong to the public.
If the programmmers put their wares over the airwaves with the intent for subscribers to compensate the programmers for tjheir product so be it. It is up to programmers/ providers to install their security and update it as technoology advances If there are those who are smart enough to find a way around said security and are not in violation of statues, that's fina as well.
I equate this to Balckjack card counters. Those gamblers found a way to give themselves a better chance of making a profit while playing by the rules. Casinos have updated their systems to combat the card counters. JMHO.
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