Edision OS Mio 4K Plus question about logs


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Mar 1, 2006
Roseville, CA 121W
Is there a log file stored on the OSMio that contains a history of which channels you watched previously and the date and time?

The reason I ask is because I found an intermittent channel that I want to go back to and monitor, but I can't remember the channel name.

I am running TNAP.
Is there a log file stored on the OSMio that contains a history of which channels you watched previously and the date and time?

The reason I ask is because I found an intermittent channel that I want to go back to and monitor, but I can't remember the channel name.

I am running TNAP.
Not that I'm aware of. There is a ServiceScan folder that's created, and files in there shows what satellite and transponders and such were scanned last, but that's it. Also, that's only IF you have a harddrive or memory stick plugged in.
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osmio4kplus login: root
Last login: Fri Feb 17 00:12:09 PST 2023 on pts/0
root@osmio4kplus:~# ls
enigma2_crash.log ipkupgrade.log opkgupgrade.log resumepoints.pkl

Nothing of interest in the above listed files. Oh well.

Another question: What do you think is the minimum SNR necessary to receive a 16APSK transponder? My OSMio connected to a 10' Unimesh is not currently able to do it.
Well. I mean. If you go into the menu or webif and config your Logs settings. And set a big enough log file.
Then open the debug.......log file. in something like Filezilla. Search for 'new service' and 'find all in current document'. It spits out the channels selected in service reference format. In that will be the SID of the channels. I didn't get to spin over to another sat to see how that would turn out. Heck. My interpretation might not be 100%. The bold text should be your SID.
Now. I baited your hook. Get me a fish for dinner!

Line 861: 14:08:50.3647 [ ] dvb/cahandler.cpp:267 registerService [eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:1:E1:65:2:9190000:0:0:0:
Line 1305: 14:09:00.9225 [ ] dvb/cahandler.cpp:267 registerService [eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:1:2C6:66:2:9190000:0:0:0:
Line 1690: 14:09:04.1394 [ ] dvb/cahandler.cpp:267 registerService [eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:19:C9:14:D:9190000:0:0:0:
Line 2003: 14:09:07.7581 [ ] dvb/cahandler.cpp:267 registerService [eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:1:25F:66:2:9190000:0:0:0:
Line 2316: 14:09:12.6343 [ ] dvb/cahandler.cpp:267 registerService [eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:1:6B:1:52A:9190000:0:0:0:
Line 2577: 14:09:15.6594 [ ] dvb/cahandler.cpp:267 registerService [eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:1:1:65:2:9190000:0:0:0:
Line 2842: 14:09:18.5729 [ ] dvb/cahandler.cpp:267 registerService [eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:1:1:65:65:9190000:0:0:0:
Line 3548: 14:09:26.3375 [ ] dvb/cahandler.cpp:267 registerService [eDVBCAService] new service 1:0:1:25E:66:2:9190000:0:0:0:
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