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Is that new store Tractor Supply Co.? We have one here and it's doing well. Been open for about 5 years. Has a lot of stuff the local farmers need/want (naturally) but also caters to regular homeowners and pet/livestock owners with a number of unique items. I don't have a farm, but I'm in that store 3-4 x per year for special needs.

Yep, same here. I think I'll even go shop there when I need more jeans. Prices seem quite reasonable.
I am not an expert on economies or economic theories but I did have some good psychology classes back in college.

I have been thinking about the county's current economic downturn.
Our state has not been hit as hard as others but then again
I think I live in one of the poorest states in our country.
I guess if you don't have can't lose much LOL.

Thinking back with all the news propoganda, I never hear anyone
Say the sudden spike in energy prices caused the

I know in basic economics we were always taught that anywhere
You have plenty of cheap natural resources and plenty of labor.... You
Have the ingredients for a great business climate.

I think one of the biggest players in the current economic
Crisis is the news media. They have preached doom and gloom
To the country until everyone has given up
On their goals, stopped producing, stopped buying, and scared
To death to let go of a dollar.

The news media talked this stuff up for over a year until
Everyone stared dumping their stocks, and stuffing money under
Their matress.

Now while everone sits glued to the tv, radio, newspapers, and financial
Websites waiting for the media to tell us everything is going
To be alright.

I think the best thing to do is turn off the garbage
And stop listening to it. Go about e eryines business
And chase your dreams.

Just a thought

Never watch the news. I'm the most positive thinking person on the planet. The country will recover. But, It's time that the American people start saving. I've done well but I don't spend. I'm frugal. And guess what? Most people with money are. Read the book, "The Millionaire Next Door". Don't confuse what people have to what they're worth. If you see a house with 3 cars, a boat, and a motorcycle do you think they have money?
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