EchoStar, Turner Reach Channel Agreement

I can honestly say this would not have impacted my life. Good to see it's over.

Where's the next "crisis" coming from?
Tnt Hd

I wonder if this agreement will give us access to TNT HD when it comes on air next month for the Western Conference games.
OMG! The whole world's gonna end, Dish keeps losing channels! I'm gonna switch to Direct cause they're the DBS savior of rouge Dish bullies. Waaaa waaa waaa.

Where are all the people who overreacted? Where's their express of relief that their beloved channels are still on the air? Where's their apology to mean ol' Charlie who just wants to increase rates and blame it on the broadcasters?

Funny how it's all quiet.
All is quiet because he dealt with this negotiation like a grown-up, instead of throwing a tantrum. It was dealt with quietly, professionally, and apparently to the satisfaction of both sides. More importantly, the customers were not affected in any negative way. No loss of programming. No raise in rates. No annoying crawls at the tops and bottoms of screens.

All in all...a nice change of pace for Charles In Charge.
I agree. I was about to post 3 or 4 days ago "What happened to the Turners" thread. I guess no news is good news.

Dish Content and 61.5??

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