Echostar Earnings Call (3/17/05)

BFG said:
Question about satellite broadband parameters.

-represents a narrow niche
-cable and dsl will always be better
-a model with 2 or 3 satellite broadband competitors wouldn't work
The 2 or 3 currently out there are: DirecWay, Starband, & WildBlue, so I guess that says that all the talk about E* re-entering the satellite internet market was just hype, misdirection, or some other stupidity.

At least they got smart - if they actually follow their own statement.
What about April 1, 2005?

They've jumped over at least 2 cutoff points already, what's 1 more...
BFG said:
What about April 1, 2005?

They've jumped over at least 2 cutoff points already, what's 1 more...

Nothing would surprise me in this overwrought soap opera.

IMHO 3/31 is Dolans put up or shut up date. Either he found outside financing and V* lives or he didn't and V* dies. Anything beyond 3/31 risks serious FTC involvement.

cdru said:
There are other players as well, just not in the consumer level accounts that Dish likey would target.
Quite right. I'm also even finding out about one more consumer one. A one-way, dial-return service. Sorry, I forgot the name already - it's been almost an hour. :rolleyes:

Question about adding another Dish !

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