Echostar Earnings Call (3/17/05)

going over the numbers for year and quarter

Total rev
Total expenses
operating income of 703,305
The SAC for this year was at 593

The increase was explained to do the lease customer getting more receivers and their more advanced receivers.

Average revenue per subscriber is 54.87
There it is, E* dead in the water in regards to HD, until MPEG4 is here. And, D* HD announcements have made Charlie get more aggressive.
Question about their low SAC and Churn rate.

SAC is kept low from SBC trends, in which they dont aquire SAC costs from SBC customers. Also the price increase had a positive impact on SAC

Churn was stabalized by the mix of commitment and non-commitment customer through the month-to-month program introduced last year
Question - how does bundling affect dish? Dish hopes to combat bundling by offering a high quality video only service where customers will be with them without needing a bundle discount from other companies

Question are the telco partnerships friend or foe? Answer- both.
Question what are the chances of the cablevision satellite purchase being blocked?
The only thing that could prevent it would be from not getting FCC approval. Based on past FCC litigation they expect it to be approved, but are expecting to wait 3-6 months for aproval.
Regarding Dish's HD plans.

They haven't announced plans because they like to put the cards down when the money is on the table.

The big factor in moving forward is the mpeg4 transition. Chipsets have been delayed by vendars. They're basically tredding water until they can transition to mpeg4.

HDTV is a strategic advantage for DBS companies. DirecTV is being more aggressive with it, while Dish is approaching it from a financial standpoint, and wether it will make them money.
Question about satellite broadband parameters.

-represents a narrow niche
-cable and dsl will always be better
-a model with 2 or 3 satellite broadband competitors wouldn't work
For Hi-Def it still sounds like Charlie has his ducks lined up behind mpeg4.

I just can't fathom why he's releasing the mpeg2 942 at this time. He's subsidizing the cost of lease boxes which may need to be replaced before he gets the money back.

The only logic is that mpeg4 is further out then he indicates (in which get he better use some Rainbow bandwith for a few more mpeg2 hd channels).
David_Levin said:
For Hi-Def it still sounds like Charlie has his ducks lined up behind mpeg4.

I just can't fathom why he's releasing the mpeg2 942 at this time. He's subsidizing the cost of lease boxes which may need to be replaced before he gets the money back.

The only logic is that mpeg4 is further out then he indicates (in which get he better use some Rainbow bandwith for a few more mpeg2 hd channels).

I think the 942 was already well along in the R&D cycle when Charlie dropped the MPEG4 bomb on E* engineering. They had already spent the money on the 942, so they might as well release it. The aggressive HD announcement by D* caused them to change course mid stream, so to speak. IMHO

The 942 being released with mpeg4 around the corner appears to me as a bad move but then again as it's been said that Dish has been in development for awhile and the mpeg4 could be delayed or might even lack a DVR unit for awhile after rollout.

Just my opinions of course.

Question about adding another Dish !

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