Yep, moving up and slowing down. Altitude 22,151 and ascending, location 79.06W. If back to that 0.86 degree per day speed, we're looking at Monday (unless they slow down further--maybe to a complete stop 1 degree short of their goal).
The reason this interests me most particularly is that I feel once E8 is in place at 77 and beaming signal, spot beam capability may exist for the Llexington, Ky--Louisville, Ky--Cincinnati, O., Columbus, O., and Indianapolis, Ind. wasteland to start getting some HD locals. While Charlie may like Ames, Iowa better than KY, Ind., and Ohio, I don't think so, and on one of his chats he commented "Naturally, we're trying to get HD locals to the more populated areas first." Anyway, that's my speculation, and I'm eager to see if I guessed right. We already have a good SD signal, so I can live without local HD, but a lot of SEC football and basketball is carried on our local CBS station presumably in HD.
Best regards,